Chapter 57

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- Brooke's POV -

It's been pretty quiet. I haven't seen any signs of Kate or the S.C.P. Foundation as of late and it's worrying me for some reason.

They wouldn't just vanish like that.

" I know. I'm afraid of what they could or are doing. " I said to Max as I sat on my bed.

" Brooke can you brush my hair? " Charlotte asked in a sweet voice. " Sure, get me a brush. " I said with a small smile. Charlotte nodded her head and got up to go find a brush.

Charlotte came back out of the bathroom with a brush and sat on the floor in front of my feet. I took the brush and began to brush out her long black hair.

Her horns are growing awefuly quick.

" I know, it's worrying me. " I said aloud. Charlotte didn't acknowledge what I said and I started at her horns. They're almost five inches long and they didn't appear too long ago. " I have my suspicions as to who her father is... " I whispered to Max.


" Yeah... " I finished brushing out the child's hair and set the brush aside.

" Thank you Brookie. " Charlotte thanked me sweetly as she ran out of my room to find her sister.

" There's no way Zalgo made them. " I said confused.

Manipulation is the game he's best at Brooke. Though, I'm not sure if they even know what they are.

" You've got a good point. " I sighed and laid back on my bed. " I want to take them to Slender. " I said starring up at my ceiling.

I pushed myself up and grabbed my phone that was laying a few inches from me and checked the time. 1:37 in the afternoon, March 11th.

It's Carisma's birthday!

I felt my phone slip out of my hand and my eyes widen. " I need to get her something! " I shouted as I jumped out of bed and dashed over to my pile of clothes in the corner.

I searched through the pile of random clothes and pulled out pair of grey leggings and a black t - shirt.

I quickly threw the clothes on, slipped into my combat boots, and threw my backpack over my shoulder.

I think it would be smart if you took the demon children with you too.

" Might as well, right? " I dashed down stairs and into the living room, where Eclipse, Blaire, and Charlotte sat playing together. " Hey girls, I need to go into town, wanna come? " I huffed.  The sisters looked at each other and then back at me, nodding. " Well, let's go! " I grabbed their hands and practically dragged them out the front door.

- Time Skip -

I arrived at the edge of town and sighed a sigh of relief when I saw stores in the distance. I went to walk, but stopped myself. I looked back at the two girls and groaned.

People will think we're crazy if they see the horns. I pushed my glasses up on my face and began walking with the two holding each of my hands.

What if someone recognizes you?

" I really don't care at this point. " I pouted as I continued walking and avoiding the stares of people passing by.

I came to a small line of clothing stores and looked down at Blaire and Charlotte.

I headed into one of the stores and looked around for hoodies and leggings or jeans.

In the far corner, I found a small selection of what I was looking for.

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