Chapter 31

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- Yvanna's POV -

My stomach churned and a gasp barely escaped my mouth. I dropped my towel and hesitantly walked up to the window. I put my hand to the print and watched as the glass surrounding my hand started to fog, making an outline of my hand. Pulling away from the glass slowly, I compared the two prints, mine and the child's. My hand print was much larger. The other print was small enough to be a babies, but not quite. I smudged all the hand prints away and proceeded to pick my towel up off the floor and go to the bathroom hastily.

- Time Skip -

I stepped out of the shower carefully and dried my face with my towel. Pulling the soft fabric away from my face, I went to look at myself in the small mirror sitting upon my wall. I nearly screamed bloody murder as I witnessed another hand print. This time though, the hand print was much to larger to be mine or a child's. Almost to large to be anyone's print in the house. Annoyed and scared, I smudged the hand print away and hurried out of the bathroom.

I got dressed and left my room feeling uneasy. I trailed down the quiet hallway and stopped when I came to Brooke's bedroom door.

I creaked open the door and light flooded in, receiving a tired groan from Brooke. " Hey Brooke. You up? " I asked rather hushed. " No... " Brooke rolled over in bed. Ignoring Brooke's answer, I walked inside her room and shut the door behind me. I flicked the lights on and Brooke grunted as she threw the blanket over her head, shielding herself from the bright light.

- Brooke's POV -

I thew my blanket over my head and grunted. Yvanna took a seat on the edge of my bed and patted my leg. " What...? I groaned rudely. " Why didn't you tell us? " Yvanna asked sternly. Why does she have to bring this shit up again? I scowled from under the blanket and groaned annoyed. " I didn't tell you guys because, I didn't want to hurt you all. Okay? I'm sorry. " I briefed Yvanna. " Well then I - " Yvanna was cut short when someone knocked on my door. " I got - " I cut Yvanna off as well. " I've got it. " I marched over to my bedroom door and opened it. I stared up at Slenderman's looming figure and cleared my throat. " I would like to talk with you Brooke. " Slenderman stated. I nodded my head and glanced back at Yvanna, who was still sitting on the edge of my bed.

Leaving Yvanna in my cold room, I followed Slenderman to his office.

Slender took a seat and gestured me to do the same. I sat down across from the tall being and waited for Slender to speak.

" Seeing as you girls have healed and seem to have regained most if your strengths, I would like you girls to start packing your things. " Slenderman stated in a rather monotone voice. I lowered my head in sorrow and stood up without saying a word. I walked out of Slenderman's office, not bothering to shut the door behind me, as I heard Slenderman let out a tired sigh.

I can't believe you guys have to leave.

Max's soothing voice had become annoyed. " You're the one who wanted to leave! " I seemingly shouted at nothing.

I do want to leave it's just that everyone has grown on you and I.

" Welcome to my damn life! " I snapped at Max, who stayed silent. I brushed it off in the heat of the moment and continued down the long hallway of the archaic mansion.

Stopping at Alisha's door, I knocked once and waited impatiently. Opening the door slowly, Alisha stood before me. Messy, knotted hair and a loose baggy t - shirt. " Pack your stuff. We're preparing to leave. " I stated sternly, avoiding any and all eye contact. Alisha didn't say anything. She just shut the door.

I began to walk away before hearing a relatively loud " FUCK! " come from Alisha's bedroom. Whimpers followed immediately after.

She's not taking it too well. I wonder how Yvanna and Carisma will take the news. Nina doesn't care either way.

" I know. " I stated bluntly. Stopping at Carisma's door, I sighed and entered. Carisma was messing around with her metal arm while she sucked on a lollipop. " Sup. " Carisma didn't take her eyes off her arm. I pulled my emotions together as best I could and sat down on the edge of her messy bed. " Pack. " I said flatly. " Hm? " Carisma shifted her attention fully to me. " Slenderman said that we need to start packing our things. " I stared at my best friend. Carisma sat up and groaned. " Well this sucks ass. " she furrowed her brow.

She took that better than expected. Well, it is Carisma.

I ignored Max as I continued to stare at Carisma. Groaning in annoyance, Carisma rolled over and got out of her bed. Grabbing her back pack, she began to pack her belongings. I stood up and walked towards the door to leave.

I left and leaned against the wall in exhaustion. It's been a long day. Full of disappointment and tiredness, the usual. Telling Nina won't be any problem, but I don't know how well Yvanna will take it. I pushed myself off the wall and stumbled forward, lightheaded. Shaking off the feeling, I began to make my way to my room.

You okay Brooke?

" Yeah... I'm fine. " I answered Max's simple question. I opened the door to my room and found Yvanna in her same place as before, but gazing down at her phone with an expressionless face. " So, what did Slender want to talk to you about? " Yvanna inquired. I felt a lump form in my throat and I took a deep breath. " Yvanna. Slender wants us to pack up our things. " I said as calmly as I could. Yvanna's small smile faded and she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She dropped her head a little and stood up abruptly. Yvanna walked passed me and out of my room. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding and stifled a nervous laugh.

Let's start gathering your thing, Brooke.

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