Chapter 24

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- Jack's POV -

Brooke pulled her small hand away from my cheek and I almost grabbed it back. It's been six years since I last saw, let alone someone's face. I had an image of Brooke in my mind prior, but it was in black and white and a bit blurry.

The last thing I saw was a doctor before my eyes were removed in the S.C.P. Foundation. The image of that man is still clear as day in my mind and I can still smell the scent of coffee that was riding on his breath. But, seeing something so precious as my first kiss made me crack a smile.

" Did you like it? I'm still practicing. " Brooke questioned. I grabbed both of Brooke's hands and pulled her close. " It was amazing. " Brooke's eyes are my favorite color, blue. Brooke stifled a small laugh and I smiled under my mask.

- Toby's POV -

I almost fell asleep on Yvanna's chest. Yvanna laid sleeping in the bed, the IV still connected to her arm. I smiled when I noticed the tan pigment slowly coming back to her soft skin. I brushed my fingers across her cheek and sighed, laying my head back down on her chest. Her steady heart beat was enough to put anyone to sleep. I looked at Yvanna's face and a small smiled crawled onto my lips.

With a small sigh, I stood up and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When I walked into the kitchen, I found Jeff sharpening his knife as hoodie cleaned his gun. " H - hey guys. " I greeted both Hoodie and Jeff. " Sup Toby. " Jeff greeted back, Hoodie only waved. " Y - you going o - out Jeff? " " Yep, going to go put some people to sleep! " Jeff said as he swirled his knife in the air and ran out of the kitchen. I shook my head, got my glass of water and headed back upstairs, waving to Ben along the way.

- Carisma's POV -

I sat at my desk and scrolled through my instagram feed, nothing new. I pocketed my phone and leaned back in my chair. Sighing, I stood up and left my room.

As I walked down the long desolate hallway, I heard someone whispering incoherent words. I turned around to find nobody. Shrugging it off, I continued to make my way down the hallway.

The whispering had been replaced with blurry visions that I couldn't make out. I got light headed and leaned against the wall for support. Putting my hand to my head, I groaned. I had a splitting head ache that worsened with every passing second. My body felt heavy and I slid down the wall so I was sitting on the ground. Visions flooded my mind. A tall, built, red and black man with a gaping maw, and black horns sticking out the sides of his head. Rows upon rows of jagged, blood stained, teeth filled his maw.

Visions of my friends and family dying flooded my mind as the man let out deep distorted laughs of pure pleasure.

I covered my ears to try and block out the man's sinister laughter, but it did nothing. His laughs grew louder and more distorted every second. I screamed with all the strength I had. I sat in the middle of the hallway, hunched over, screaming at the top of my lungs, because that was the only thing that would drown out his laughs. But as I screamed louder, his laughs became louder as well. Hot tears streamed down my face as I clenched my eyes shut to try and stop the visions.

Slenderman teleported to where I was and put a hand on my shoulder. All the laughing and visions stopped and it was quiet. Brooke came out of her room as Alisha, Jack, Hoodie, Masky, Ben, and even Sally came up the stairs. " Zalgo. He's entered this realm. " Slenderman teleported away and I was left with the others. " What happened? " Masky bent down in front of me. I stayed silent and continued to quiver in terror. Hoodie tried putting a hand on my shoulder and I flinched at his touch. Slenderman came back. " I put a protective barrier on the house and Ms. P will be here in a couple days. " the tall man stated. " Well, what happened to Carisma? " Brooke asked concerned. " Zalgo drives his victims to insanity. He's the cause of the corrupted. Anything he or his energy touches becomes corrupted and a slave of his. " Slenderman explained. I shifted my gaze to Slenderman and stared. Slenderman noticed my staring and used two tentacles to help me up.

Brooke limped back to her room and the others went down stairs, except hoodie who oddly stayed behind. I felt dizzy and Hoodie helped me walk back to my room.

I sat on my bed and groaned, my head is killing me. I sniffled and put my hand to my head. " You need some pain killers? " Hoodie asked as he stood in the door way. I nodded my head and flopped down onto my pillow.

After a few minutes, Hoodie came back in with a glass of water and two pain killers. " Here. " Hoodie held the glass and the pills out to me. I took the pills and chugged the rest of the water. " Get some rest. " Hoodie said, walking out of my room. I rolled onto my side and let my heavy eyes shut.

- Brooke's POV -

Slenderman called me into his office after the incident with Carisma.

" Brooke, I've come to the decision that you girls have to leave. " Slenderman explained. " But, the only place we could go would be my house. " I stated. " I'm aware of that, Zalgo knows where this mansion is and I can't have my proxies killed. " I hung my head in disappointment at Slenderman's words and he put his hand on my shoulder. " I know you don't want to leave, but it's for the best and you'll still get to see everyone here, including Jack. " I lifted my head to look up at the tall man. " But, you must stay here until you all are fully recovered. " I nodded at Slenderman and he dismissed me from his office. I went up stairs to tell Carisma about the situation.

I walked into Carisma's room and found her passed out in her bed. Sighing, I left her room and decided to go to my own.

I made it to my room and went it. I walked over to my bed and found my black hoodie folded up. I picked up the hoodie, confused, and held it to my face. I pushed the black fabric to my face and a small smiled played it's way onto my lips. " Jack... " I whispered into the hoodie. My heart ached thinking about leaving.

I curled up with the hoodie and let out soft whimpers. I don't want to leave...

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