Chapter 41

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- Brooke's POV -

Fifth period was just finishing up and I met with everyone in the hallway to walk to lunch. Destiney and Owen tagged along.

I can't wait for school to end.

We made it into the lunch room and over to the table we normally sat at. The table was vacant despite us being gone for months. I didn't care, it made it easier for us. The table had a booth on one side and a couple chairs on the other side. The four of us took the booth while Owen and Destiney took to two of the seats across from us.

Alisha and I weren't hungry so we stayed at the table while the others went to get food. " So how's your day going so far? " Alisha asked as she leaned on the table. " It's going okay so far. I almost got caught talking to Max a few times though, so there's that. " I said as I glanced around the lunch room. " People have been asking about my eyes all day. I just say it's a medical condition. " Alisha said in an annoyed tone as she put her head down. " Let's pretend it is a medical condition while we're in public. " I said as I stared at the table Alex and Becca once inhabited. " Roger that captain Brooke! " Alisha shot up and saluted me. We laughed for a good minute and stopped when everyone came back with their food.

As we all talked, Elliot walked up and stood there for a few seconds without saying anything. " What? " Yvanna asked. Elliot looked to me and stared. " Fine. Sit. " I groaned. " Yes! " Elliot exclaimed happily as he pulled out a chair and sat down. " Who? " Destiney gestured to the blue eyed boy. " I'm Elliot. I transferred here about a month ago. " Elliot said happily. " Oh, you're the new kid. " Destiney said flatly. " Yeah, I wouldn't exactly say 'new' anymore though. " Elliot laughed as he popped a potato chip into his mouth. " Well, I'm Destiney and this is Owen. " Destiney gestured to the boy sitting beside her. " Sup. " Owen said with a smirk. Elliot turned to face us. " I'm Alisha! " the black eyed girl beamed with happiness. Owen looked into Alisha's eyes and went to open his mouth to say something, but Alisha stopped him before he could even start. " It's a medical condition. " Alisha gestured to her eyes and Elliot nodded. " I'm Yvanna. " Yvanna said calmly. " Heyo. " Elliot said.

The lunch room started to clear out as kids started to go to their sixth periods. I said my goodbyes to my friends and walked to my sixth period. When I got to the door of the classroom, I saw a note on the front that read " Meet in library - Mrs. Hemmings. " I groaned and made my way to the large library.

I walked in and saw the class of roughly thirty students looking at books and on the school's computers while the teacher was grading some papers. I wasn't too friendly with a few students in this class and I was never really drawn to any of the others, so I went to the farthest table and took my seat. I pulled out my laptop and started to scroll through Pintrest to kill time. As I continued to look through the interesting content, my computer started to glitch out and make beeping noises. I went to turn the computer off, but an arm shot out of the screen and grabbed my wrist, stopping me from hitting the off button. I pulled my arm back and Ben's face popped out of the screen. Scaring me, my first instinct was to hit. I landed a hard smack against the elf's face. I looked up from my screen and noticed people staring at me. I laughed nervously. " There was a bug. " I said sheepishly. They went back to do their stuff and I stared at Ben. " What the hell do you want!? " I whispered. " I changed all their information. " Ben said loudly. " SHH! You have to be quiet. " I whisper yelled. " What do you mean you CHANGED their information? " I questioned. " Alisha, Yvanna, and Carisma's parent contact numbers are now your dad's phone number. So the school can't get a hold of their parents. " Ben explained in a hushed voice. The bell rang and everyone started leaving the library for their the last periods of the day. " Thanks Ben, I have to go. Bye! " I slammed my computer screen shut and heard Ben let out a yelp. I shoved the laptop back into my bag and made my way to my last period, which happened to be gym.

I walked into the girls locker room and sighed. I stood before my locker and stared down at the combination lock. I couldn't remember my combination.

32 - 10 - 28

" Thanks Max. " I thanked the invisible entity as I grabbed my gym uniform. A white t - shirt with navy blue sweat pants. Coach isn't here today so we have a sub, which mean an easy grade. I got dressed and put my uniform in my locker and locked it, my bag sat on the floor.

I walked into the gym and we did all the warm up exercises before heading outside. Most of the guys were playing basketball or just goofing off while most of the girls talked. I sat against the wall and observed everyone.

Seventh period ended and we all went back to our respected locker rooms to get dressed and go home. I got dressed, grabbed my bag and left the gym. As I walked to the parent pick up that connected to the side walk I used to walk home, I met up with the other three. Nina got out of school earlier than we did, so she's already at home. We all made it to the parent pickup where cars lined up all the way outside the school gates to get their bratty, gossip filled kids. The three of us were stopped by Destiney and we started talking.

As we talked, multiple car horns could be heard and some people slammed on their breaks as a black suv came barreling into the line. Kids started pointing and talking about the crazy driver. I wanted to get a better look so the four of us and Destiney made our way through the crowd of people. " SUP B! " Ben shouted from the driver's seat. " Get in loser we're going shopping! " Ben yelled as he rolled the window back up. I put my hand on the bridge of my nose in annoyance and sighed. People started looking around and asking " Who's B? " I turned to Destiney. " I have to go... " the four of us came out of the crowd and got in the suv. I took the front seat while the other sat in the back. Ben took off and laughed. " Why are you here? " Yvanna asked. " I was getting some stuff for something I'm working on, so I thought I could get you guys from school in my luscious, new SUBARU! " Ben smiled like an idiot. " Where did you get this car Ben? " I asked flatly. " Stole it! " Ben sang.

We arrived at home and we all got out. Ben noticed Alisha's eyes. " Looks like Alisha got an upgrade! " Alisha laughed and we all headed inside. I looked out the window and saw Ben speed off. I'm surprised we didn't die.

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