Chapter 25

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- Brooke's POV -

I sat in my bed, sniffling as I held my hoodie close to my face. I don't want to leave, sure I miss my dad, but I love being here at the mansion. The others don't know, I'm going to have to tell them. That'll be hard to do...

I held back pained sobs and buried my face in the soft, black fabric. There was a small knock at my door and I pulled my face away and sniffled softly. " Come in... " I wiped away stray tears. Jack walked in and shut the door behind himself. " What's wrong? " Jack asked flatly. I held back hot tears as I stared back at him. " We have to leave... " I sniffled. Jack stayed silent as he stared. Groaning, Jack walked over to me and sat on the edge of my bed. He didn't say anything, we just sat in silence for a few moments.

" Why? " Jack's low voice broke the tense silence. " Slender said we would be safer if we weren't here. " I replied not taking my eyes off Jack. He turned his gaze to the ground and grunted in annoyance.

Getting up, Jack walked out of my room, leaving me to be alone with my thoughts.

I wonder what's up with him.

" I don't know... " I said aloud. Talking to Max telepathically gave me a head ache. Plus it's just easier to say things aloud.

Do you think your healing hands could heal your leg?

" I don't know, Slenderman hasn't taught me how to do that yet. And I'm in no rush to leave. " I stared up at my ceiling.

Hm. I wonder what the others can do. Surely you can't be the only cool one here.

I laughed at Max's comment. " I'm not cool and I bet they all do something of their own. "

I wonder how Carisma's new arm is working out for her.

I thought about what Max said and a small yawn escaped from my lips.

Get some sleep Brooke. Goodnight.

I heeded Max's orders and slumped down in my bed to get comfortable. Letting my eyelids fall as darkness enveloped my vision, I whispered goodnight to Max and then I drifted off to sleep.

- Carisma's POV -

I rolled over and slowly opened my eyes. My head ache had disappeared and I was left with a throbbing sensation. Ugh.

I stared at the wall for what felt like an eternity, before rolling onto my back and staring up at the ceiling. I lifted my metal arm up and stared at it. It's sore and hurts a little when I move, but it's bearable for now. The doctor has been teaching my how to move and control it properly. It's just like my my normal arm and hand, except it's, well, metal. The doctor also said that once it's completely healed, I could start fighting with it. That'll be fun.

I groaned and sat up. Everything was silent and still, almost like time had froze in its place. Sighing, I pulled the blanket off my body and got out of bed rather slowly. I picked my phone up off the nightstand to check the time. " 3:33... " I mumbled to myself. " Oh, it's quite early for you to be up. Isn't it? " L.J's voice came from the far corner of my room. I turned around to find L.J walking towards me.

I stared up at the monochrome clown with a tired expression. " It's pretty early for you to be awake. " L.J's deep voice came again. " What the hell are you doing in my room?! " I asked rather harshly. " Oh, well, I get bored at night so I roam the mansion in search of a little fun. " L.J retorted with a small laugh. " But, I see you're tired, so I'll mozy along. " with that L.J was gone right before my eyes. It didn't surprise me, I've seen a lot of weird shit in the past two months.

I made my way down stairs to get a glass of water. As I got off the last step, Ben crawled out the TV and onto the living room floor. " Sup Carisma! " Ben beamed with happiness. " What were you doing? " I asked confused. " Inducing insanity. What are you up to? " I face palmed at Ben and continued to make my way to the kitchen. " HEY! YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION! " Ben wailed from the living room. I snickered at Ben and got my glass of water.

I headed back into my room and sat at my desk. An immense pain took over my body and I let out a groan. I went to stand up, but I was forced to the ground. Like something was pulling me down.

The force didn't stop, the pressure was intensifying with every passing second and it became hard to take in any air.

As I suffocated for air, my body felt like it was being crushed under a rock. My vision became hazy and I started seeing black spots. I managed a small scream and a tear rolled down my cheek. I gasped for air as the pressure grew greater each moment.

I started hitting the ground with my hand to try and get someone's attention. My vision started to fade and my hitting slowly became soft taps against the hardwood floors.

Just as I was about to pass out, all the pressure was lifted and cold air filled my lungs. My body started convulsing and foam came out the corners of my mouth.

I was lifted off the ground by someone. I looked up and saw a tall woman with short black hair and black lip stick.

As I stared up at the woman she brushed hair out of my face as I continued to shake violently. " SLENDERMAN! " she called out in a panic.

Slenderman made his way into my room and took me from the lady. He stared down at me and all I could do was stare back. The foam that dribbled out of my mouth turned black. Pain ripped through my body and I let out a shrill cry.

Deep distorted laughter filled my ears once more and I put my hands to my head and continued to wail.

It wasn't long before everyone else was in my room.

The tall woman came over to me and put her cold hand on my fore head and said something in a foreign language and it all stopped.

All the laughter, the shaking, and the pain. It all just stopped and I felt myself slip into sleep.

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