I Fell In Love With Him While He Was In A Coma (Chapter3)

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Hope you like it!

I'm actually glad I had time to post this because I wasn't going too!

I don't think a lot of people like this story :( I'll get over it..... [hopefully] Lmfao :P!

Please, enjoy, comment, vote, & fan! :^)+< ........... <---- I like my stick figure. :D


(Chapter 3)

I put my hair down from the bun and it was straight. I shrugged off my sweater. Then I looked at him straight in the eye, giving him murderous look. He gulped.

"How dare you break up with me with a text?" I screamed.

"I didn't want to do it in person!" he yelled.

"Your not a kid anymore, Trevor! It's time you start acting like a 23 year old!"

He didn't say anything.

"You. Cheated. On. Me. And after that you tell me you never loved me! What the hell! How do you think I felt ,Trevor?!" I said yelling into his face and he flinched. He doesn't know this side of me. Sadly, I got my temper from my father.

I slapped him twice and left him 2 hand marks.

"And you only used me to have 'fun'?! That made me feel like a whore! Like I'm your personal sex toy!" I screamed and he avoided eye contact with me.

"I, at least never went to cheat on you. I had a little love for you, Trevor. I didn't use you," I whispered the last part. I looked into his eyes and his blue eyes were swimming with guilt.

I had to admit he was good looking. He was a life guard, but he wasn't tan. He had a 6 pack and brown hair and blue eyes and he was 5'9.

"Why did you go out with me in the first place?!" I screeched.

"Jay! I liked you! But I never came too love you! I thought I did! I was wrong!" he said.

"But you only used me to have FUN! That doesn't mean you like me! You were only using me because you thought I was easy and ugly!" I screamed.

"Jayleen, that's not true! I liked you! I didn't want to hurt you. And you are not ugly!" I ignored him.

"Trevor, I thought you were different from all those other jerks that use to just play with me, but I guess your not."

"Jayleen, I'm sorry," he said and he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Get your filthy hand off me. Don't touch me with the hands you touched someone else when you were with me!" I screeched.

"Jayleen. You know I'm not usually the person who cheats. I'm not a two-timer!"

"Trevor, I don't even believe you anymore. And I know that you are a two-timer!" I said.

"I'm sor-," I interrupted him.

"They don't mean anything to me. Now get the fuck out of my house!"

There were sadness in his eyes and my eyes were filled with fury. He left.

I opened the box of the things I had at his house. Clothes, a toothbrush, comb, and pictures of me and him kissing. I grabbed the pictures and ripped them. I don't want any reminders of that stupid-hot-stuck-up-two-timer-retarded-dumbass-cheater- jerks!

I shrugged out of my uniform and stayed in my bra and underwear and went under my warm blankets and went to bed. My room was pitch dark and I went to sleep quickly.

When I woke up it was 5 pm. Wow. I must be more stressed out then usual. Suddenly Ayden came into my mind. I wonder why he moved when I touched him.....

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