Hunter looked at her. "Yeah, I'm okay. Gray just kicked me really hard."

I let out a breath of relief. I wasn't ready to rush her to the hospital just yet.

"But anyways, he wrote your mom a letter that explained everything and they met up. He explained it all to her and then the police showed up. Cameron showed them the evidence that Andrea forced him to do all of this and now he's innocent. Your mother forgave him, Sierra. And so didn't I." Kian explainer slowly so she understood.

"Well, what about Brandon?" She asked.

I honestly hadn't thought about it. He certainly still wasn't going to be in our lives ever. He deserves to rot in hell for what he did to my little girl.

"Brandon is staying in jail. He is not going to come near our family or my grandson. I will fuck him up." Kian said, the vein popping out in his neck.

"I wanted to talk to you guys about something, that involves Brandon." Sierra said. She pushed herself up and sat her back on the back of the loveseat. Hunter held her hand.

"What is it, honey?"

Sierra looked at Hunter for a split second before looking back at me. "When Grayson is born, I wanted to see if, you know, I could take Gray to Brandon."

I looked at Kian who kept his eyes trained on our daughter and her boyfriend. "Absolutely not—"

I put my hand on his bicep. "Kian, you can go with her to make sure she'll be alright. I can tell this is important to her."

He looked into my eyes before sighing and dropping his head. "Okay. As long as I go with you. I refuse to let you go by yourself."

She smiles a small smile. "Of course, Dad."

Kian stood up and walked over to our daughter, wrapping his arms around her neck softly. "I love you, sweetheart." He kissed her forehead.

"I love you, too, Dad." She said, smiling.

Then, the doorbell rang, signaling us that Cameron had arrived.

I stood up to let him in. When I opened the door, I was greeted by Cameron, of course, but also a giant blue teddy bear with blue balloons tied around his nub of a hand and red roses in Cam's right hand. Tears came to my eyes at the sight of the gift for my daughter.

"Hi, Hay." Cam said, smiling. I pulled my hands away from my mouth and smiled.

"Hi, Cam." I walked up to him and hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around my waist. "She's going to love it." I whispered into his neck.

"I hope so." We pulled away and I wiped the tears off of my face before helping him with the giant bear.

"Sierra, Cam brought something for you sweetheart." I yelled, sitting the bear down in the hallway.

Soon, we heard three pairs of feet walking on the wood. Sierra cane around the corner, holding her back like a pregnant girl would until she saw the bear and then her hands went to her mouth.

"It's so beautiful." She whispered and hen looked at Cameron. "Thank you, Cameron. It seriously means a lot."

He just smiles. "You're welcome, Si. You've grown up so fast." He said. She smiled and looked down.

"Cam was there when you were in my belly. Every time he would touch my stomach, you'd lightly kick his hand and he would just smile. You mean a lot to him, honey." She blushes and looks down.

It's quiet all of a sudden until Sierra puts her hand on her waist, whimpering. Hunter immediately is by her side with his hand on her back. I walk over to her and do the same thing Hunter is.

"Sierra, are you alright?" I ask her. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready.

"That for sure wasn't a kick." She breathed.

I started freaking out and looking at Kian and Cam. "Oh god."

"Mom, I'm alright. It's probably just Braxton Hicks." She reassured me.

A few seconds later, her pants were wet and it all went downhill from there.

"Kian, get the hospital bag and everything we'll need for the hospital. Hunter, pull the car to the front of the house. Cameron, help me help her into the car. I'm about to be a freaking grandmother." I panicked.


215 days until I see harold 😭


After Change (Kian Lawley) {BOOK 4}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz