
I smiled and pulled my phone from my back pocket, going to Cam's contact.

It's Haylie, we need to talk. Starbucks in 20 mins. Bring the letters. xx

From: Cameron

I'll be there.

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket again. "We have to be at Starbucks downtown in twenty minutes. We should probably go now."

Kian stood up and grabbed my hand. "Let's go. You think Harry will watch the kids?"

I nodded before walking down the stairs and into he living room where Harry was playing LEGO's with Hunter and Elijah. Sierra was on her phone, rubbing her swollen belly. Zack was watching the boys intently and Delilah was asleep in the couch.

"Hey Harry? Come here." I said, softly. The kids didn't bother to look up as he stood up from the floor and walked over to Kian and I.

"Yeah, what's up?" His thick British accent sounded through my ears.

"We're gonna go meet Cameron." I whispered. "Can you stay here with the kids? They seem to love you so they shouldn't be too bad. It's almost time for the trips to go to bed so when they get tired, they'll tell you and they'll go to their rooms. Keep me updated on Sierra. She could have her baby any time. Zack will be fine."

"Yeah, I can watch them. Keep me updated with him?" He asked, backing up.

"For sure. Talk to Lou for me so we can set up a date for me to take little Freddie for a week." I said as we walked out the front door.

Kian and I connected our hands again and got into my Range Rover. He drove me to Starbucks and parked in front of the building. (Didn't think you guys would care about the drive 😂)

I looked into the building, immediately spotting Cameron. I sighed. "I'm nervous."

Kian squeezes my hand softly. "Everything will be okay. If you need me, just look over here and I'll come in, okay?"

I nodded and looked at him. "I love you."

He smiled. "I love you." He leaned over the center co sole and pecked my lips. After that, I got out of the car and walked across the street and into Starbucks. I breathed in and out when I walked in and looked at the boy dressed in all black. His brown hair was held back with a black beanie.

I walked over and sat in the seat in front of him. I pulled the letter from my purse and sat it on the table between us.

He didn't even look at it to know what it was. "You found it." His voice was hoarse as he talked.

I smiled a small smile and looked into my lap. "Yeah. Harry was in my car and he found a bunch of letters for every one of my friends and he found the one to you. He read it and found your letter. He wouldn't let me out of my car until I read it." I explained. A soft chuckle escaped Cam's lips and after that, it was quiet.

"Thank you." I whispered, looking at him. He slid his black sunglasses off and his brown eyes looked into my bright blue ones. He looked confused.

"For what?" He asked.

"For finding my parents. For being there for me awhile ago before everything went crazy and downhill. For almost everything, Cam."

He smiled again. "You haven't called me that in a really long time."

I smiled too, pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear, and looked into my lap once again. "I figured I should call that again."


After Change (Kian Lawley) {BOOK 4}Where stories live. Discover now