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Shawn's POV

"Why are you here?" I ask my question angrily to him. "What was it that you said to me the last time we saw each other? That you would never accept a cocksucker as your son? Am I correct?"

"Shawn, Can we please talk?" Manny, my father replies. He is nervous and I never knew him to be that before. Manuel Mendes is always confident, headstrong, and powerful. Anyone whom crosses his path and wrongs him. Would never be able to make that same mistake twice. 

He is no fool. Yet, here is the man that made me possible. The one that I look just like. Same tall, muscular frame, same brown hair, and eyes. I debate rather or not I should be given him a chance. Little lamb just kicked inside my belly again. I put my hand there to rub it. 

"And why would I, the cocksucker who does not matter to you, do that?" I question point blank. That day will forever be in my memory. The photos on Twitter, my dad showing up unannounced at my apartment. Yelling and screaming at me about being gay, and how problematic it is for him. And he would never accept a cocksucker for a son. 

"Shawn, listen please," He begs and my father never begs. Should I really give the chance to explain himself? Then I think about all the long sleepless nights I cried because my family turned their backs on me. The pain that my heart felt to know I would never be able to pick up the phone and hear their voices. How they would never know their granddaughter. 

"Fine," I reply softly as I move to the side to let him in. "How did you find my address anyways?"

"I have my ways," He remarks and then glances around. "Could I get some coffee?"

"Sure," I state as I walk over to the kitchen. I put on some coffee, once it is done, put into a cup, and bring it to him. I give him a small tour, and we end up back in the living room. I purposely sit in the chair away from him.

"Why are you here?" I ask boldly. 

"Shawn. whenever I was in PortugaI did a lot of thinking. I was wrong in saying that you being gay is problematic. I just did not know how to handle it at the time. And I did think that I lost you that you were somehow less of a man."

"Well, I am not," I insist. "This is who I am dad. And I refuse to cover up for anyone. I have done that my whole life. Repressed me to make you happy. Always making sure I never caused any trouble for you."

"And you were always a great son. High-strung, maybe," He remarks.

"Dad, if you are here to insult me then you can leave."

"Shawn listens, this whole thing cutting you out my life is wrong. I am proud of you son. While your mom might never come around. I want to be in your life. It is not right that you would never get to talk to us again."

"And your fucking right about that. You turned your back on me. And how am I to forgive that? Charlie and his family were here from day one offering their support. They stood by us, helped us through some dark times. You were not there," I state harshly.

"Shawn, I am wrong for that. And now I realize it. I am begging for your forgiveness. Please let me right this wrong."

"I think about it," I say getting up from the chair. Little lamb just kicked me yet again and boy was it painful. My face reveals deep pain, probably from the kick and the emotional upheaval dealing with my father. 

"Drink peppermint tea," My father suggested. "It will help with calming the baby down."

"How did you know I was pregnant?"

"Your mom told me," Manny replies. "Do you have any?"

"I have to see." 

We go to the kitchen and there is a small box of peppermint tea. He makes some for me, and I slowly sip. However, my dad was right about the tea. Once the Sharlie daughter gets it she is calm. 

"Dad there is one thing you can help me do," 

"What is it?"

"Help me put together your granddaughter's crib."

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