The Benders Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Ok, I don't want to press my luck..." Dean claimed, "But what does SHIELD want with me and Sam?"

"That's a question you need to ask KC..." she pulled her legs back into the Impala "Speaking of...let's keep at it,"

Dean glanced at his brother who only shrugged as he got in the passenger side and Dean got in the driver's seat.


"Wait, wait, wait-" Sam called out as they drove past the edge of the forest "pull over here. Pull over," they pulled over and got out of the car, then walked towards the forest. "It's the first turn-off I've seen so far,"

Dean looked back at the brunette "You stay here, we'll check it out,"

The brunette already had a gun out "No way," she got out of the Impala and started walking.

Sam smirked, "Remind you of anyone?"

Dean rolled his eyes and got out of the Impala and followed after the brunette "This is ridiculous. Agent, I really think you're gonna need me and Sam to take lead,"

"I'll manage." she turned to look at Dean "Also the name's Skye,"

"You go with her," Dean told Sam "and I'll meet you back here in ten minutes if we can't find anything and call if we do," Sam nodded


Sam and Skye were walking. They passed a rundown barn, along with several wagon wheels strewn along the grass. They walked further and saw a dilapidated house. They made their way to the front porch and climbed up the stairs. Sam got ready and nodded at Skye who knocked on the door.

"Hello? ANybody home?" A young girl, came outside, covered in dirt and filth. She was unwashed and had long uncombed hair. "Hi. Who are you?" The girl came closer and examined Sam and Skye.

"Who are you?" The Girl asked

"I'm, uh..."

Sam took out his FBI badge "I'm Agent Mulder and this is Agent Scully. We're agents. What's your name?"


"Missy." Skye repeated after sending a glare at Sam "That's a pretty name. Missy, is your mom home?"

"She's dead,"

"I'm sorry. What about your dad?" Missy shook her head "No? Can we come in for a minute?" Missy shook her head again and started moving towards the door. "I just want you to look at a picture," Sam took a picture of Katerina from his coat pocket and showed it to Missy "Have you seen that girl? Look at that picture." Missy looked up and saw something behind Sam and Skye. She smiled wickedly. "What?"

"That's gonna hurt," Sam turned around when he heard Skye fall to the ground and saw a tall, equally unwashed man, standing beside him. The man hit Sam in the head with a shovel, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.


Dean was looking at his watch and around the Impala, it had been ten minutes and Sam and Skye still hadn't shown up. He was about to call Sam when he heard the screech of the pickup truck. "Oh, son of a bitch,"


Sam woke up and groaned, massaging his head.

"You alright?" Katerina asked him

"Yeah," Sam replied

"KC?" Skye called out.

"Skye?!" Katerina asked in shock as she looked over to where Skye was in a cag. She was wearing a dirty white T-shirt, and her hair was down. "You got caught?" she smirked "Remind me to call Ward to extend your training,"

"Funny I was going to say the same thing for you. After all, wasn't it because of your capture we're even in this mess?"

"Touche...wait how are you here?"

"I drove my van,"

"Okay I get that, but won't my dad and the team realize you're missing?"

"Ward's filling in for me...he wants me to tell you 'Hi Kitty Kat',"

"Kitty Kat?" Dean laughed as he entered the barn "You are never going to live that down,"

"Dean?" Katerina asked confused upon seeing the eldest Winchester.

"Are you hurt?"

"No," Katerina stared at him, confused.

"Alright." Dean moved to the door of the cage and saw the locks. "Oh, these locks look like they're gonna be bitch,"

"Well, there's some kind of automatic control right there," Katerina pointed to the control panel.

"Have you seen 'em?"

"Yeah." Sam replied "They're just people,"

"And they jumped you?" Skye asked Katerina "Must be gettin' a little rusty there, kiddo,"

Dean walked over to the control panel and started trying different buttons. "What do they want?"

"I don't know. They let Jenkins go, but that was some sort of trap,"

"It doesn't make any sense to me," Sam said

"Well, that's the point." Katerina claimed "You know, with your usual playmates, there are rules, there are patterns. But with people, they're just crazy,"

"See anything else out there?"

"Uh, he has about a dozen junked cars hidden out back. Plates from all over, so I'm thinkin' when they take someone, they take their car, too,"

"Hey, Dean...where's your car?" Katerina asked

Dean paused "Let's get you guys out of here, then we'll take care of those bastards." he pointed to the control panel "This thing takes a key. Key?"

"I don't know,"

"Alright, I better go find it," Dean went to leave but Katerina caught his arm.

"Hey." Dean stopped and turned to look at her "Be careful,"

"Yeah," he left.

Katerina looked over and saw Skye's knowing smirk and rolled her eyes.


Dean was in another dark room. He turned on his flashlight and started to look around. The room was filled with shelves of jars and bottles, which contained various body parts. Dean looked at a container filled with an unrecognizable item. "Yikes." he kept searching the room and came across a wall full of Polaroid pictures. Each photo showed two boys standing next to a dead body. He noticed a picture of them holding Jenkins' corpse. "Demons I get. People are crazy." he moved to a flight of stairs and climbed them. Dean came upstairs and looked around the living room. A record was playing in the background. Dean bumped into a windchime. "What the--" the windchime was made of bones. Dean saw a wooden pole leaning against the wall and made his way toward the kitchen. He noticed a small tray filled with keys, on a nearby table. Dean took a peek inside the kitchen. A man turned around to pick up another tool, and Dean turned away. He moved towards the tray of keys and started to pick it up when he noticed a jar full of teeth. He examined it, disgusted, then heard the floor creak behind him. He set the jar down and turned around quickly. Missy was standing before him. "Shh. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you," she held up a knife.

"I know." Missy stuck the knife into Dean's jacket, pinning him against the wall "Daddy!"


"Daddy!" Dean removed the knife. Two men came downstairs. "Daddy!" One grabbed Dean under his arms. The other walked towards them, but Dean jumped up and kicked him. The one holding him threw Dean into the wall, causing the knife to fall to the floor. The one Dean kicked ran towards Dean, but Dean grabbed him first and pushed him to the ground. He then punched the other but was thrown into the wall again by the other. All three of them stood up.

Dean pointed to one "I'm gonna kick your ass first." he pointed to the second "Then yours," the father came up behind Dean and hit him over the head with a pan. Dean fell to the floor, unconscious.

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