Chapter 113- The Third Wheel

Start from the beginning

Esperanza didn't say anything.

For some reason Esperanza had completely listened to him, and before she knew it, her and Dr Kozak had left the back of the laboratory into the lightness again.

As soon as they had arrived there, a sort of knocking sound went off in the background.

Kieran: Seems like someone is knocking on the door.

Esperanza: *to Dr Kozak* Want me to go check who it is?

Dr Kozak: Sure.

After Dr K had said that, Esperanza was about to open the door, but then Dr Kozak beat her to it once he realised what she was doing.

Dr Kozak: *gasps in horror* Esperanza!

Esperanza: *looks back at him* What?

Dr Kozak: Are you crazy? Don't open the door! What if it's a murderer?

Kieran: Well how else is she supposed to check who it is?

Dr Kozak didn't reply. At least not physically anyway. Instead he headed off in front of his computer, operating the CCTV camera located in front of the door.

He left to do something, so he didn't really have time to check who it was, Esperanza doing it for him in the meantime.

Esperanza then squealed once she was staring at the person in front of the door, or in other words, on the CCTV camera.

"Oh my gosh they're so cute! I can't tell if they're a boy or a girl though."

Kieran: *under his breath, is whispering so that Dr Kozak doesn't hear* Let me guess, the love of your life Martinez? *as he says love of your life, he rolls his eyes rudely*

Esperanza: *sighs* No. I wish. *stares at CCTV camera* Although they seem way younger than Martinez.

Kieran: Let me guess again, Maria Grace?

Esperanza: She seems way younger than Maria Grace too.

As soon as Dr Kozak had heard Maria Grace's name, that was when he took over the CCTV cameras.

Esperanza: Dr Kozak do you know this person?

Dr Kozak: *is currently texting someone (Ezekiel) then stops and looks up when she says that* Oh. Oh yes I do! *smiles* That's my niece Christabelle. She's five years old. She's like Agnes from Despicable Me. She looks like her too. In other words, she's really cute. Please let her in.

Esperanza: Sure thing. *presses something* Christabelle you're allowed inside!

Hearing that, Dr Kozak's niece had then headed inside, struggling to open the door.

Dr Kozak: *smirks at her* Need help? *casually opens the door for her*

Christabelle then headed inside the room for real, and the first person she saw staring at her was Dr Kozak.

Christabelle: *gasps then smiles* Dr Kozak!

She attempted to hug him but it turned out weirdly due to their massive height difference, so Dr Kozak found himself on her knees just so his niece could hug her.

Dr Kozak: *carries her then stands up again* What are you doing out of bed, Christabelle?

Christabelle: It's seven o'clock in the morning. That's the time I wake up.

Doctor Kozak didn't say anything major then...

Christabelle: Wait. Where am I?

Dr Kozak: You're in one of my laboratories that's existed for seventeen years.

Dr Kozak then sat down in his blue spinning chair, carrying his niece still, although carrying her then became her sitting gracefully on his lap.

Christabelle: Dr Kozak.... *points to Kieran and Esperanza, both of them just kind of blankly staring back at her* Who are they? You've never introduced me to them before.

Dr Kozak: Oh. That's Kieran and Esperanza. They work for me.

Christabelle: Esperanza's pretty.

Esperanza: Aw thanks.

Dr Kozak: What about Kieran?

Christabelle: Kieran's alright.

Kieran: What's that supposed to mean?

Christabelle: I wanted to say you were pretty too, which you are, but I thought that that would be weird coming from me because of our different genders and stuff.

Kieran: Oh. Okay. *turns to Dr Kozak* So where are her parents?

Dr Kozak: Oh they went on holiday at the start of the half term. They wanted me to look after her.

Esperanza: Where did they go?

Dr Kozak: *examines his fingernails deeply, Christabelle still sitting on his lap* Can't remember actually. San Francisco I think.

Kieran: When are they coming back?

Dr Kozak: July.

Kieran and Esperanza: July?!

Dr Kozak: Yeah... July. Why?

Esperanza: Who would leave their child alone for four months?

Dr Kozak: Beats me.

Christabelle: My parents are crazy.

Dr Kozak: Yeah. Her parents are real crazy.


Kieran: So were mine.

Christabelle just blinked at him, not saying anything for a long time.

Christabelle: Honey, the adults are talking.

Esperanza burst out laughing when she heard that, Kieran just staring at Christabelle and then frowning.

Dr Kozak: Sorry about that. She can get real sassy sometimes.

Kieran: *annoyed, scowls at her, Christabelle scowls back* So I noticed.

Dr Kozak: *turns to Christabelle* But why are you really here, Christabelle?

Christabelle didn't say anything. She just got off of Dr Kozak lap, claiming that she would be right back.

Dr Kozak: Don't look at me. She said she was going to get me a present. Goodness knows what it is.

Esperanza was watching Christabelle run, and couldn't help but smile.

Esperanza: She's so cute though!

She really was.


Moral of chapter: At any point in time, if you ever feel like the third wheel in your friendship group or somewhere else (for example your family), you should really tell someone how you feel.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now