"Do you know about what time they found him?"

"Oh it just happened about an hour or two ago. His poor family. I can't even imagine what they're going through," I watched as a woman stood on the front step of the house, crying and leaning against a middle aged man. A young man stood behind them, looking distraught. I shook my head, turning to walk away. Sam noticed and followed me back to lean against the Impala's bonnet.

"Kat we got here as fast as we could,"

"Not fast enough." Not able to contain myself I kicked a nearby trashcan. Why would I even have these premontitions if there wasn't a chance I could stop them from happening? I shook my head, sighing "So what do you think killed him?"

"Maybe the guy just killed himself? Maybe there's nothing supernatural going on at all," Sam shrugged. "Why are you so upset over this?" he looked over at me and I saw the glint of realization "Unless you had the premonition too,"

I shook my head "Sam..."

Sam stood up and walked towards me "When did they start?"

"I don't...I don't know,"

"You're lying,"

I noticed Dean glance over to where we were "Look, I'll tell you later...just not now,"

"We have to tell Dean," Sam started to walk towards his brother but I caught his arm.

"No!" I shouted "Sam, no. I mean do you understand why you have premonitions..." Sam looked down at the ground "exactly, so how do you think Dean will react when he finds out I have them too?"

Sam sighed "Sooner or later, he'll find out," he walked away

"Thank you," I whispered as I followed after him.

Dean moved to open the car door "Come on, lets just pick this up in the morning. We'll check out the house, talk to the family,"

"Dean, you saw them," Sam said "they're devastated. They're not going to want to talk to us,"

"Yeah you're right. But I think I know who they will talk to?"

I quirked an eyebrow "Who?"

Dean only smirked


Dean's hand reached out to a doorbell. Sam's hair was slicked back neatly. "This has gotta be a whole new low for us," Sam sighed

"Shouldn't we be smited or something? I mean I understand this is supposed to make us clean, but I feel dirty," I muttered as I pulled down on my nun outfit.

Dean turned to smirk at me and Sam, then looked back at the door.

The man comforting Ms. Miller on the step the night before opened the door. "Good Afternoon. I'm Father Simmons, this is Father Frehley, and Sister Olsen. We're new junior priests over at St. Augustines. May we come in?" The man nodded "Thanks,"

"We're very sorry for your loss," Sam said

"It's in difficult times like these when the Lord's guidance is most needed," I added

"Look, you wanna picth your whole 'Lord has a plan' thing? Fine. Just don't pitch it to me. My brother's dead," The man exclaimed

Ms. Miller appeared "Roger. Please!"

Roger moved away "Excuse me,"

"I'm sorry about my brother in law. He's...he's just so upset about Jim's death. Would you like some coffee?"

Out of tiredness I couldn't help but reply "That would be great,"


Dean was on the lounge, Sam in an armchair, as I stood next to the wall. Ms. Miller poured coffee and handed it around. "It was wonderful of you to stop by. The support of the church means so much right now," Ms. Miller said

"Of course. After all we are all God's children," Dean told her

She walked away and Dean immediately took more cocktail sausages from the coffee table. Chewing contentedly, he looked at Sam shaking his head. "So it's not ok for me to have a snack, but it's ok for Kat to ask for coffee?"

"Hey!" I scolded

"Just...tone it down a little bit, Father," Sam told him.

Ms. Miller returned.

"So Ms. Miller, did your husband have a history of depression?" Dean asked her

"Nothing like that." Ms. Miller said, beginning to be upset "We had our ups and downs like everyone but we were happy." she broke down "I just don't understand...how Jim could do something like this,"

"I'm so sorry you had to find him like that," Sam told her

"Actually, our son Max, he was the one who found him," Ms. Miller replied gesturing behind her.

I looked through the doors into the dining room and saw Max sitting in the corner, staring into space. "Do you mind if maybe, I go talk to him?" I asked

"Oh thank you sister," I nodded and approached Max in the other room.

"Max? Hey, I'm Katerina. So what was your Dad like?"

"Just a normal Dad," Max replied

"Yeah. You live at home now?"

"Yeah. Trying to save up for school but it's hard,"

"So when you found your dad..."

"I woke up, I heard the engine running. I don't know why he did it,"

"I know it's rough, losing a parent. Especially when you don't have all the answers," I noticed the boys head upstairs and walked off. I noticed Dean pull out an infer-red thermal scanner from his pocket and turning it on, shining it into room as he passed. "Anything?" I asked

"Zip," Dean replied


Dean was cleaning his weapons as I finally slammed my laptop shut "What do you have?" Dean asked

"A whole lotta nothing. Nothing bad has happened in the Miller house since it was built,"

"What about the land?"

"No grave yards, battle fields, tribal lands or any other kind of atrocity on or near the property," I plopped onto the bed "And the family said everything was normal?"

"Well, if there was a demon or poltergiest in there you think somebody would have noticed something? I used the infer-red thermal scanner Kat, and there was nothing,"

"So what, you think Jim Miller killed himself and Sam's dream was jsut some sorta freakish coincidence?"

"I dunno. I'm pretty sure there's nothing supernatural about that house,"

"Yesh. Well maybe it has nothing to do with the house. Maybe it's just..." I stopped as a pounding took over my head "maybe it's..." I took a deep breath.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing...it's..." I quickly ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Almost immediately I screamed...

Roger entered his kitchen with groceries. He noticed the window was open and closed and locked it. When he returned to unpacking the lock moved by itself and the window slid open again. Roger was confused. He attempted to close it but it stuck. He leaned out, twisting to look up at the top of the window. The window slid closed, decapitating him. Blood gushed up over the window.

I focused back in on reality when I heard someone calling my name "Kat? Kat!" I felt myself shaken and couldn't help but groan as the movement didnt help with the already blurry world.

"It's happening again." I muttered "Something's gunna kill Roger Miller," when the world focused I saw Sam standing in the bathroom door, I looked back at the person who had been shaking me...Dean.

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