Chapter 95- Cynthia Rescues Kozak

Start from the beginning

Cynthia Rose: Yes. I'm fine. Why?

Dr Kozak: Because I just watched your majestic smile turn into a solemn frown.

Cynthia Rose just remained frowning.

Dr Kozak: Hey, look, is something bothering you?

Cynthia Rose: Yeah. Kind of.

Dr Kozak: Well, would you like to talk to me about it?

Cynthia Rose: I don't think you'd understand... But I might tell you later if I feel like it.

Dr Kozak: Oh. Okay.

Then a monotonous silence filled the basement for a while because neither Dr Kozak or Cynthia Rose knew what to say next.

Dr Kozak: So, Cynthia... What brings you here?

Cynthia: *is discombobulated yet slightly laughs* Dude, I live here.

Dr Kozak: Yes, I know that, but I meant what brings you to the basement? I thought that this basement was a booby trap that your brother Martinez and/or your mother didn't want in your *air quotes* house" *air quotes end*

Cynthia: I came here to rescue you.

Dr Kozak: *half surprised* You came here to rescue me?

Cynthia Rose nodded, still frowning.

Dr Kozak: *stands up and wears his light purple sleeveless hoodie all over again* Look, kid, I think that's nice but you can't rescue me.

Cynthia Rose: Why not?

Dr Kozak: I believe Esperanza told you this but I'll tell you again... This is a mission. You can't help me. I could get disqualified. I'm sorry, Cynthia Rose but you might have to leave.

Cynthia Rose: *half annoyed* So I came here for nothing, basically?

Dr Kozak didn't say anything major, just scanned Cynthia up and down, especially her eyes.

Dr Kozak: I don't know why but you kinda look like you're about to cry.

Cynthia Rose: I'm not about to cry.

Dr Kozak: Well, you seem like you're really mad at me.

Cynthia Rose: I'm not mad at you. Don't worry.

Dr Kozak looked unconvinced. So because of this he refused to say something to reply back to what Cynthia Rose had said.

Cynthia Rose: See. This is the problem.

Dr Kozak: *sits back down again once she says that* Why? What's the problem?

Cynthia: It depends. Can I rant to you?

Dr Kozak: *nods vigorously* You can rant to me about anything, Cynthia Rose.

Cynthia Rose smiled faintly at him before saying anything else.

Cynthia: Really?

Dr Kozak: *smiles at her* The smile meant yes by the way.

Cynthia Rose couldn't say anything without sounding stupid.

Dr Kozak: So... What's the problem then, Cynthia Rose?

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now