Chapter 11- Tornado, Tornado

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Inspirational quote: You learn more from failure than success. Don't let it stop you. Failure builds up your character.


"Initiating countdown starts now. Twenty..."

A lot of people were frantically screaming now, as they all grabbed their bags like their lives had depended on it and tried to escape.


"Kieran! Why are you just standing there? Do something!"

Kieran turned around. The words were coming from his father.
He couldn't take this anymore.


Kieran had to run, so he did. This time he went off with his family, and this was mainly because he had absolutely no idea on where Vanessa had mysteriously disappeared to.

Everyone was running for their lives at the moment, Kieran's family included. Although as soon as Kieran was running, he must have tripped or something because the next moment, he had unexpectedly found himself lying down on the floor.

His stepfather looked back at him.
"What the? No! Kieran!!"

Kieran didn't get up. He seriously wanted to die there, but his father thought otherwise.

"Why are you still down there? You've got to get up, Kieran."

Kieran's father helped him up, but when Kieran's father wasn't looking, Kieran went the opposite way to find Vanessa.

No such luck though.
For some reason, the suicide bomb seemed to have remained on number eighteen for a long time.

By the time it hit seventeen, something even worse happened.

It wasn't that the suicide bomb lied about having seventeen seconds left to live and get out and it blew off early, it was probably even worse than that.

Unprecedentedly, Kieran heard a shaking sound, and soon after, the other people in the chapel that were still in the building had heard it as well.

The shaking sound became even more vigorous twenty seconds after.
What was going on?


The suicide bomb started counting in threes now, and not ones, and this was to tell people that they really didn't have that much time to live and get out.

The shaking sound was way too strong now. The chapel soon started vibrating along with the shaking sound as well.

Once Kieran realised what it was, he screamed at the top of his lungs.

It was a tornado.

It wasn't an earthquake because things were moving around in circles and the wind was blowing through the closed windows that were now somehow open and everything was disorientated as well as out of place.

"A terrorist attack and a tornado on the same day?" Kieran muttered to himself lividly. "Can the world become even more insane?"

It wasn't Anthony's fault though, the weather said sunny all day throughout. In no way did the weather said that were there any chances of rain or tornadoes today.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now