CrimsonAuther's Individual RP: Travis Julian D'Amico

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Name~ Travis Julian D'Amico

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Name~ Travis Julian D'Amico

Age~ 21

Gender~ Male

Species~ Human

Powers (if any)~ None

Appearance~ Freddie Rayner

Personality~ He has a bit of a hotheaded part about him. When someone says the wrong thing, he blows up and will yelled and say some colorful words. But he would never lay his hands on someone. He, as his sister had said, he is a bit of a charmer. He doesn't even try, he just is being himself and somehow he comes off as charming. He has a big heart, so loving and caring to everyone he meets. He tends to jump to conclusions, and can take it hard when it is a bad some that hurts himself and others. He /can/ be a bit to romantic, and by that I mean hopeless romantic. When he falls in love, he falls in love hard and with that he may get hurt way to easily. Which leads to a but sensitive part of him that he never let's anyone see.

Flaws~ He tends to do a bit of conclusion jumping. As fun as it may be, it ends up hurting him very deeply or those around him. When he sees he had made a wrong conclusion, he isn't afraid to admit it, but he gets very upset and closes off for a while.

Job~ He works as an intern at a billion dollar tech company, who is owned by his grandfather.

Backstory~ He grew up in a small conservative family. Being the oldest, he had much responsibility, which included helping out his siblings with chores when his mother was unable to. He and his siblings got along mostly, every now and then they would fight, but that was normal. In school, he did average, he wasn't valedictorian or was he a F student. He mainly got B and C, which was pretty okay for him. He didn't really have that many friends, maybe about four. He wasn't in any extra curricular activities or sports. As time went on, he started to find where he fit. When he graduated highschool, he got an internship with his father, learning business tips and tricks. He would be classified as a while collar worker, although he does more of the programing and is in just a T shirt and pants.

Mother: Delilah D'Amico
Father: Jason D'Amico
Brother: Niall D'Amico (18)
Sister: Reyna D'Amico (16)
Sister: Lillian D'Amico (14)

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