Epilogue 1/2

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(I forgot to say in my Author's Note that I'm gonna go back through this and correct spelling/grammar, just so you know
Anyways here's your epilogue)

"Are you sure you have your lunchbox?" Philip said from the passenger seat, leaning over to look at his daughter.

Catherine Anna Eacker nodded, holding up her lunch box to show her Papa.

"Oh, she'll be fine. Stop worrying!" George said, turning the steering wheel and pulling into Bluesville Elementary.

Even though George and Philip both worked in nearby New York City, they still lived in Bluesville to be near family and friends.

George parked the car, and they all climbed out.

The little sparkly puppies and kittens on Katie's backpack glittered under the early autumn sun as she ran towards the front steps. Frances and Theodosia's son, Aaron, stood there waiting for her, as well as G and Eston's daughter, Beverly.

Philil joined them on the steps, greeting Frances, Theo, G, and Eston.

The now-adults talked for a bit, until Katie tugged on Philip's hand, pulling him along towards her Kindergarten classroom.

Aaron and Katie were in the same class, and they skipped along together in front of their parents, excited for their first day of school. Eston and G branched off, following Beverly to her first grade class, their eldest, John, had already run off, and the baby, Anna, was strapped to G's chest in one of those baby carrier things.

Katie and Aaron arrived just as the bell rang, meaning George and Philip couldn't follow their daughter inside.

Frances and Theodosia left, having already gone through the first day of kindergarten with their eldest, Eleanor, who was in the same 3rd grade class as John Jefferson.

Philip sniffed and leaned his head on George's shoulder. "My baby is all grown up." He said.

"She's barely five, that's not grown up at all." George said, patting Philip's back as they turned to leave.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now