Chapter Thirty Nine - Halloween pt.7

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(In an earlier chapter I said that Lafayette twerked on Burr when I went to see the Hamilton musical, and the reason he did that was because he was teasing Burr for "having a special someone on the side")

George stood in the corner of the gym, longing for death. The group of friends had been in the gym for a little bit over an hour (it was now 10:30pm) and he had no idea where his friends were anymore.

A while ago Dick and David had dissapeared down the hallway that connected the gym to the rest of the school, for what George assumed were not holy reasons.

Theodosia and Frances where somewhere in the mass of dancing bodies, and had been since the group had entered the gym.

Will had been standing with George for a bit, but then Theo came and dragged her best friend out onto the dance floor, leaving George alone.

G was at the DJ booth trying to get the DJ to "play more Halloween-y songs". Eston was with him, probably to make sure G didn't end up yelling at the DJ.

George didn't know where Philip was.

George sighed and poured himself another cup of punch. It may have been spiked, since he did feel a bit buzzed, but maybe that was just the situation having an effect on his mind.

"Come dance with me, George!" A girl dressed as a cat said, appearing suddenly out of the dancing mob.

"No thanks." George said. The girl shrugged and turned back into the crowd. George watched her go, his eyes catching on Philip, who was slipping out of the gym doors.

George filled up two more cups of punch and made his way around the dancers, out the gym doors after Philip.

"Hey." George said, sitting down next to Philip on the steps leading to the gym.

"Hey." Philip answered, taking a cup of punch when it was offered.

"What do you think of the party?" George asked. He noticed Philip's makeup was a bit smudged.

Philip shrugged. "Fine, I guess," he said "I hung out with Dick and David for a bit, but then they ran off, probably to have sex. And then I danced for a bit, but it got to hot inside so now I'm out here."

"Sounds like you had more fun than me." George said "I just stood in a corner."

Philip laughed "I thought the angst queen would have been dancing."

"The angst queen has never been much of a dancer." George answered.

"Well modern dancing isn't that hard," Philip said "most of it is just wiggling around in place and moving your ass."

George laughed.

"That's why I like older dancing styles better." Philip said "Like ballroom dancing."

"I don't know how to ballroom dance." George admitted.

"Come on," Philip said, standing up "I'll show you how."

(Me: *Considers writing a bonus chapter where David and Dick have sex, but then remembers some of my friends read this*)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora