Chapter Twenty Six - Michael Jackson, Elvis, and Thomas Jefferson

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"What are you going as for Halloween?" Philip asked, laying on his sister's bed, Saturday morning.

"I'm not telling you until you give back the shirt you stole from me." Frances said. Philip and her were the same size in clothing, so it wasn't uncommon for them to borrow clothes from eachother.

"Ugh, fine. When do you want it?" Philip moaned, rolling over onto his back.

"By Tuesday. Also, I'm going as Michael Jackson, and Theo is going as Elvis."

"Cute. You'll get extra candy from old rock-and-roll fans when we go trick-or-treating."

"Aren't we a bit old to go trick-or-treating?" Frances asked. She stopped folding clothes to look at Philip with a raised eyebrow.

"You're never to old for trick-or-treating."

"We're seniors in highschool."


Frances rolled her eyes and threw a pair of jeans at him. Philip caught them and threw them back at her.

"Frances, where did you put my book on French History?" Alexander called from the landing.

"I brought it with me to mom's. You'll get it back on Monday."

"Goddammit, now I can't prove Jefferson wrong until Monday." Despite the twins being friends with Eston, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were what one would call arch enemies.

"Prove him wrong on what?" Philip asked.

"When the French Revolution started. He says 1788. I say 1789."

"It was 1789," Frances said "we were talking about the revolution the other day in French class."

"Wanna come testify in court then, so I can prove him wrong?"

"Naw, I'm good." Both Frances and Philip had learned long ago not to get involved in their Pop's political affairs.

"Suit yourself." Alex said. He could be heard digging through another pile of books.

"What are you looking for now?" Philip asked.

"The book on demon traits. I want to prove that Jefferson is actually a demon, and shouldn't be allowed to be a lawyer, or be seen in public."

(I'm thinking about just skipping to the Halloween chapter. Would you guys want that, or more about what's happening in between this chapter and the Halloween one?)

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