Chapter Fifty Five - Football Jacket

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Thursday was school spirit day, so the football team wore their football jackets to school. It wasn't unusual for any of them to do that, but today all of them had their had jackets on.

Another thing that happened Thursday was that the heater in the history hall broke. Thay meant George and Philip's 5th hour room was only a few degrees above the weather outside, until someone could fix the heater.

Philip had only worn his Bluesville Band shirt (since he was in the band) and some jeans. You could easily tell how cold he was.

"Are you ok, Philip?" George asked. They had recently moved seats so Philip was diagonally behind him in the rows of desks.

"I'm fine." Philip said, rubbing his bare arms.

George rolled his eyes at Philip's obvious lie, and handed over his football jacket. "Here. I don't mind the cold." He said.

Philip looked at George. "Really?" He asked.

"Take if before I change my mind." George said.

Philip took the jacket and quickly put it on just as class started.

Their history teacher was a man named Mr.King, who about as old as Philip's Grandpop, but much more flamboyant. He also rather biased, like when they were studying the revolutionary war he obviously thought King Jonathan should have won. But the students were still taught properly, and it was fun to watch Mr.King dance around the front of the classroom.

"Students!" He said, the old British accent from when he lived in England still in his voice "Today it is rather cold in here, but that doesn't stop us from learning!"

And so the class commenced.

-Time skip-

"Where's your jacket?" Eston ask George at football practice. The practiced a lot more with the Homecoming game the next day.

"I let Philip borrow it." George said.

"Ooooooohhhh!" Dick said, him and G popping up behind Eston "I want details!"

"He was cold, I gave him my jacket." George said.

"I want more details!" G whined, following George as he tried to walk away from them.

"That's all there is." George said.

"Fine. But be sure to have it by tomorrow because we need to wear them then as well." G huffed.

"Ok, mom." George said.

"I thought Theodosia was the mom." G said.

"She's like the ultimate mom, you're like the football mom who works for her." George explained.

"Then I'm going to go mother that freshman because he doesn't seem to know how to put a helmet on." G said before running off to a group of freshman football players.

-another time skip-

George rang the doorbell of the Hamilton house and barely had to wait before Philip answered the door.

"Hey George!" He said "What's up?"

"Hey Philip. Can I get my jacket back? I need it tomorrow." George said.

"Sure, hold on a minute." Philip said, running of to get the jacket as Frances wandered into the front hall.

"Here to serenade my brother?" Frances asked.

"Considering I'm not under his window, and I don't have my guitar, I think it's safe to say the answer is no." George said.

Frances opened her mouth to say something else, but Philip beat her to it.

"I got your jacket!" Philip said, running down the stairs and handing it to George.

"Thank you." George said "I should probably get going now."

George turned to leave but Philip caught his shoulder. "Wanna come watch Muppets re-runs with us?" Philip asked.

"The Muppets?" George asked.

"It's quality content." Philip explained.

George smiled. "Why not?"

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant