Chapter Twenty Eight - G Makes George Sing With Him

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(So many people have read this! I'm really surprised!)

"Shit! Shit! Shiiiiiiiiit!" G screamed, sprinting across the entrance hall towards George "What time were you born?!"

"Why does it matter?" George asked as G skidded to a halt in front of him.

"Just tell me!" G demanded.

"I think it was around 7-ish in the afternoon." George said, still confused on why it mattered.

"Good! You're still seventeen! I need to sing Seventeen from Heathers to you today before you turn eighteen!" G yelled.

George had forgotten that today was his birthday. His dad had stopped celebrating years ago, and George sometimes wondered if the man remembered at all.

"Please don't." George asked as G began to sing.

"Fine, we're damaged,
Really damaged,
But that does not make us wise.
We're not special,
We're not different,
We don't choose who lives or dies." G sang.

"Let's be normal,
See bad movies,
Sneak a beer and watch TV.
We'll bake brownies,
Or go bowling,
Don't you want a life with me?
Can't we be seventeen?
That's all I want to do.
If you could let me in
I could be good with you.
People hurt us,"
G stopped an looked at George expectantly.

"Or they vanish." George mumbled, embarrassed.

"And you're right it really blows." G continued. "But we let go."

"Take a deep breath." George said, glaring at Dick, who had just arrived and was clearly entertained.

"Then go buy some summer clothes." G sang "We'll go camping."

"Play some poker."

"And we'll eat some chili fries.
Maybe prom night."

"Maybe dancing."

"Don't stop looking in my eyes-"

"This is really cute and funny and all," Dick said, cutting G off "but what I really want to know is how George knows all the words to this song when he claims to have never listened to the soundtrack."

They both turned to look at George.

"Don't attack me on my birthday!" George yelled, walking away, still embarrassed.

"That was the best thing I've seen all week." Philip said, stopping George on his way to first hour. "Where did you learn to sing like that?"

George shrugged "I just sing like that I guess."

"You're lucky you have such a pretty singing voice. Why was G making you sing with him, anyways?" Philip asked.

"I'm turning eighteen today." George said, looking away from the actual ray of sunshine in front of him.

"What? Why didn't tell anyone tell me? Fuck! I need to get you a present!" Philip said, beginning to run down the hall.

"You don't have to do that!" George yelled after Philip.

"Yes I do!" Philip yelled back "I'll get you the best present ever!"

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon