Chapter Twenty Seven - Birthday Discussions

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(Wow I haven't updated in, like, two days, but here's a chapter now.
Also, I couldn't find some people's actual birthdays, so some will be made up.
One more thing- the dates in this are not accurate to 2016. Like, October started on a Saturday, I think, and I made it start on a Monday. Just a warning.)

"George's birthday is coming up, right, George?" Dick declared, stretched out on his front porch.

"Yup. October 16th." George said awkwardly. He had never liked celebrating his birthday.

"What do you want for a present?" Eston asked, trying to braid G's curls.

"You can't just ask like that! Then he knows what he's gonna get!" G whined, half-heartedly slapping Eston's leg.

"I don't really want anything." George said.

"I could probably get Philip to strip and/or pole-dance for you." Dick said, grinning at George, who blushed and put his head in his hands.

"Please don't get him to do that." George mumbled "I don't know if my gay heart could handle that."

"Plus, his birthday is on a Tuesday. How would you be able to get Philip to strip during the day without getting in trouble at school?" Eston asked.

"Don't be stupid." Dick argued "We wouldn't have him strip at school."

"Can we please not talk about my cousin stripping?" G asked.

"Sorry. Sometimes I forget you guys are related." Dick apologized.

"I mean, not by blood." G said "My Papa and his Pops were adopted by my Grandpa, who, by the way, I was named after."

"Your Grandpa goes by G too?" Dick asked.

"No, his name is George Washington, and my dad named me Georges Washington de Lafayette." G said.

"That's weird." Dick said.

"You're named after a penis, don't talk to me about weird." G said.

Dick's mom could be heard laughing from the open kitchen window.

"Mom!" Dick whined "I asked you not to listen to my conversation with my friends!"

"Ok, Penis." His mom said before laughing again.

"Your mom is the best." G said when they all finished laughing.

"Don't encourage her." Dick pouted.

"So, really, what do you want for your birthday?" Eston asked, changing the subject.

George thought for a moment. "Suprise me." He finally said.

"George you gave us literally nothing to work with." G said, handing a hairtie to Eston, who had finished braiding G's hair.

"You say that like you haven't been my friend since 7th grade, and don't know me inside and out." George said.

G rolled his eyes, but smiled anyways. "I already have an idea." He said.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now