Chapter Forty Six - "Be safe" "I will"

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(G wears his hair in a ponytail like his dad, but one day in 7th grade he wore his hair down to School and that was Eston's gay awakening.

Trigger Warning for talk of abuse)

Philip stood at the entrance of the park, holding his hands in front of his mouth to warm them with his breath.

Philip admitted he was a bit early, but he had still kind of expected George to be there when he showed up.

Snowflakes were falling from the sky, illuminated by the setting sun.

A black car came into the park's parking lot, parked, and George stepped out of it.

"Sorry I'm a bit late." George said when he reached Philip.

"No problem." Philip answered, linking arms with George as the began to walk through the park.

The walked in silence for a few minutes before George began to speak.

"My parents weren't married when they had me." George said "they were in their last year of college, and they quit when the found out my Mom was pregnant. My Mom always wanted her college degree, but as far as I know, she never got it. My parents never got married, but they were in love. They managed to raise me for three years before my Mom decided she wasn't ready for a child, and left. My Dad managed to look after me until I was almost seven. Then he hit me." -Philip squeezed onto George's arm tighter- "He said he was sorry, but he never stopped. It got even worse when I told him I liked a guy. Ever since then I've raised myself. I learned how to cook, and wash clothes, and pay taxes-"

"I learned to cook pasta, I learned to pay rent, learned the world doesn't owe you a cent." Philip sang, interrupting George.

"Kind of." George said "except we've always lived in Bluesville, and I haven't murdered anyone."

Philip giggled.

"But the point is my Dad never gave two shits about me, and your dads do. Appreciate that." George said.

Philip pulled George into a hug. "I'm sorry your dad hits you." He sounded like he was going to cry.

"It's fine, I've learned to sneak around him so he doesn't hit me so much anymore." George said, burying his face in Philip's neck.

"I can tell my Pops! he'd defend you in court and-" Philip started.

"Please don't." George interrupted "I've been saving enough money to go to college, so I only have a few more months with him, I can survive. And despite it all, he's the only family I have left."

"Be safe." Philip said.

"I will." George answered.

(Sorry if I'm not portraying an abusive relationship right. If there are ways to make George and his Dad's relationship more accurate please tell me.)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ