Chapter Eighteen - Alice Jasmine Brown

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"Did you hear Alice Jasmine Brown has a crush on Philip?" G asked as the four of them walked across campus to the weight room.

"Who?" George asked. He could hear the strain in his voice.

"Alice Jasmine." G answered "She's the theater girl who follows him around sometimes. She was one of the first people to sign his cast."

"With the short blonde hair?" George asked.

"Ya. Are you going to do anything about it?" G asked.

"Have sex with Philip in front of her." Dick whispered from behind them.

"No, Dick." George said "And I'm not going to do anything about it. She probably has a better chance with him than I do, anyways."

"But she's a freshman." G said.

"So?" George asked.

"Freshmen don't have chances with anyone except other freshmen." Eston said.

"And it wouldn't last anyways considering that we're going to college soon. Or at least Philip is." Dick said.

"Well what do you want me to do?" George asked.

"Beat her to confessing your love for him." G said.

"I'm not confessing." George said.

"Why not?" Dick whined.

"Because highschool relationships tend not to work out." George said.

"My parents met in highschool." Eston cut in "They even secretly married in highschool."

"Aw, that's cute!" G said.

"It could work out." Eston said "Confess, see if he gives you a chance."

"But what if he doesn't give me a chance?" George asked.

"He will give you a chance." G said "Confess before Alice does."

"No. End of conversation." George said flatly. He wasn't going to confess, Philip already barely tolerated him.

"Fine." Eston, G, and Dick said at the same time.

"Fine." George fired back.

"Well," G said, changing the subject "how about that weather we're having? It's still pretty warm for October."

The four quickly got into a conversation about hopes for a warm Halloween, and their plans for the holiday. Soon, they reached the weight room.

The weight room was less of a room and more of a seperate building connected to the main building by a hallway mostly made of windows. The whole school was like that- seperate buildings connected by window hallways.

"Well, well, well- look who it is." G said as Eston opened the weight room door. George turned and looked at where G was waving.

Philip was walking towards them from the auditorium.

And with him was Alice Jasmine Brown.

(Alice Jasmine is a made up character, sorry if she resembles anyone you know.)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now