Chapter Ninety Nine - Angst Queen Reprise

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After spending time with his family, and taking what felt like a million more pictures, Philip managed to sneak away and seek out George.

The sun was beginning to set, and so the graduates were beginning to head off to parties, after promising their parents they would be safe, and would be home by a certain time.

Philip was invited to G's house later, but the majority of his thoughts were centered around his boyfriend instead of that party.

Philip found George sitting on the front steps, his graduation robes unzipped and folded neatly beside him, his cap sitting on top.

"Hey." Philip said, sitting down next to George.

"Hey." George answered.

"What's on your mind?" Philip asked, running his fingers over George's curly hair affectionately.

George shrugged. "I just got used to thinking I would never see my Mom again, and then she turned up out of the blue, uninvited."

"Isn't that an Adele song lyric?" Philip asked, wrapping his arms around George's shoulders and leaning their heads together.

"Adele's pretty angsty, and I'm feeling pretty angsty right now." George said, humming a bit more of the Adele song.

"I love you, my angst queen." Philip said, kissing George's cheek.

George chuckled.

A little stream trickled along next to the parking lot, a barrier between the school and the woods. A few of their friends were wading in it, plus Alex Hamilton who was jumping around trying to splash Frances, who in turn tried splashing him back.

The sunlight shone through the gaps in the tree leaves, speckling part of the parking lot with little bits of the remaining sunlight.

The wind blew lightly, making the leaves on the trees, plus the decorative bushes in front of the school, rustle. It also messed up Philip's curls a bit, and George reached over and smoothed them back to keep them out of Philip's face.

Philip smiled, and leaned up to kiss George lightly.

"You're a nerd." George muttered, smiling.

Philip laughed and kissed his boyfriend again.


Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now