Chapter Eighty Five - Graduation

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(I don't know how graduation works, so we're doing this my way.)

The sun shone through the window, just like any other day.

Philip got up and dressed, just like any other day.

He went down stairs to have breakfast with his family, just like any other day.

But today was not any other day.

Today was graduation. The last day of high school. The last day as a high schooler. The last day Philip might ever see some of the people he was so used to seeing.

Philip entered the kitchen, where his family was milling around. Everyone who had been there at Thanksgiving was here now, pressed into the room waiting for their share of the pancakes and waffles Philip's Dad and grandparents had made.

"Philip!" Henry exclaimed, throwing her arms around her younger cousin "aren't you supposed to be in a suit or something for graduation?"

"Later on, when the ceremony starts, I need to wear something nice, but before then we just go to the school for a while and say goodbye to teachers and stuff." Philip said.

"I remember graduation." Alex sniffed "All the younger kids had their last day on Friday, and you just wander the halls and try not to cry, and it's weird to be at school on Saturday, and-" he cut himself off by bursting into tears. "My babies are all grown up!" He managed to say through his sobs.

Philip and Frances, along with Eliza, hugged their Pops sympathetically.

"It's ok, Pops." Frances said "You still have us for the whole summer, and we'll come home on weekends and holidays."

"Come on, Alex, let them have a good day. Don't cry and make them upset. You wouldn't want your dad to have openly cried on your graduation day, would you?" Eliza asked, patting her best friend on the back.

"I did cry, but he was to busy running around and causing trouble to notice." George Washington said, leaning against the counter.

"We all cried, you aren't special." Martha Washington answered her husband.

"Roasted." Will muttered under his breath.

G, Will, Frances, and Philip quickly ate, excited to get to schol for once in their lives.

(I honestly love the idea of Alex and Eliza never being a couple, but being super close best friends instead)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat