Chapter One Hundred - And That Is How The Story Ends

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(I really don't want to write this, but I have to)

George and Philip sat on the steps, wrapped in each other's embrace, until the first stars began to glow in the darkening blue sky.

The sun was still up, but barely, shining stubbornly as it sank below the horizon.

Frances, G, and Will, who had been splashing around in the stream, came over and sat with them, dripping water from the knees down.

They talked for a while about memories made, and plans for the future, waving their other friends over until all nine of them were sitting on the steps, looking up at the stars.

David knew some constellations, and pointed them out, Dick's head resting in his lap.

Theodosia and Will remembered some of the stories that went with certain stars and constellations, and told them to the group, arguing occasionally about how each story was supposed to go.

Despite the settlement of night upon the school, a good number of students, teachers, and parents remained. George could hear their voices drifting across the breeze, pairing nicely with the streetlamps that had just begun to shine.

The stories Will and Theodosia told changed from stars to ghost stories to fairy tales, and any other story they could remember.

The rest joined in with a few of their own tales, ranging from popular ones such as Cinderella and Snow White, to some most of them had never heard before.

Eventually they were asked to leave by the principal, the last other person there, and they got in Eston's truck, and drove to G's house, so they could lay in the back and look at the stars some more.

G ran inside and grabbed the mass of pillows and blankets off his bed, carried them out, and padded the back of Eston's truck so they could all lay in it comfortably.

It was a tight fit, all nine of them in the back of the truck, but they managed, personal space having long been forgotten between them.

It was close to midnight when they had all fallen asleep except George, who was afraid that when he woke up it would all have been a dream.

Philip, who was snuggled into George's side, rolled over and looked at him, his hazel eyes reflecting the moonlight.

"What's wrong?" Philip asked, tracing patterns across George's chest.

"Nothing." George said, then changing his answer upon seeing Philip's eye roll.

"I'm afraid that we won't last." George said "That we'll change, and fall out of love, and I won't have you in my life anymore."

Philip smiled. "Well that may happen," he said "but something tells me it won't. You're different than anyone else I've dated, and I want to hold on to you. Of course we'll change, that's just a part of life, but if we're meant to be, I think that we don't have anything to worry about."

"How do we know if we're meant to be or not?" George asked.

Philip looked up at the stars "We don't."

A shooting star crossed the horizon, tracing an arching path of fire as it fell.

"A shooting star! Make a wish!" Philip exclaimed, and closed his eyes to make a wish of his own.

George looked at the shooting star once more before closing his eyes.

He wished that no matter what, he would always have Philip and his friends to love and support him.

A soft snore sounded from Philip, and George laughed lightly when he realized the smaller man had fallen asleep.

George snuggled Philip closer to him, closed his eyes, and faded off into unconsciousness as his friends and boyfriend had.

And that is how the story ends.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now