Chapter Twenty - Theodosia is an Actual Goddess

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"How was theater?" G asked as Marie climbed onto his back.

"It was fine." Marie said as they all filed into the room. "AJ didn't get her work done." Marie looked pointedly at Alice.

"Why not- OH HEY DAVID!" Dick said, cutting himself off in the middle of his own sentence.

Philip looked over at David, who was lifting weights with the football team, and remembered vaguely the David had started working out in 7th grade.

Dick bounced over to where David and Theodosia, who was sitting on the ground next to him doing homework, were.

"Hey Philip!" Theo said, waving at him.

"Who's that?" Alice asked Philip, tugging on his sleeve.

"Theodosia Burr." Eston said "Our lovely mom-friend."

Philip nodded in agreement before walking over to Theodosia, and David, who was being kind of attacked by Dick.

"What are you working on?" Philip asked, sitting down next to Theo. The football coach began ordering members of the team to do various weight lifting exercises.

"Honors English." Theo said "Who's the girl you brought in with you?" She gestured to Alice, who was walking over to them.

"Alice Jasmine Brown. She's a friend of Marie's." Philip said. "Why?"

"Oh, there's just a rumor going around that she uh," Theo paused and looked at Philip. "Has a crush on somebody we know."

"Hello." Alice said, interrupting the conversation before Philip could ask more.

"Hello, I'm Theodosia Burr." Theo said, reaching out a hand for Alice to shake "You're AJ Brown, right?"

Alice nodded stiffly and shook Theodosia's hand. "What kinda name is Theodosia?" She asked in a kind of rude tone.

"It was my mother's name." Theo said. Philip could see a flash of sadness in Theodosia's eyes as her hand went to her Mother's necklace that always hung around her neck. Theodosia's mother had died when she was little, and it was still a sad topic for the Burrs'.

"Ok." Alice said "I don't think it's a very good name though."

"And I don't think you should be calling me out on my name when your name is Alice Jasmine." Theodosia said, smiling in a nice way that wasn't actually meant to be nice. Theodosia didn't hesitate to defend her or her friends on any topic, and Philip knew if the argument didn't end there Theodosia would probably find a way to ruin Alice's social life.

"Hey, hey," Philip said "names are social constructs. Why does it matter?"

"I don't actually know, Philip," Theodosia said, suddenly more serious. "Why does it matter, Alice?"

"It doesn't!" Alice said, crossing her arms "I can just tell you like him and I dont think you deserve him!"

Alice said the last part rather loudly, and there was a beat of silence as the whole room watched Theodosia stand up off the floor and look Alice straight in the eye.

"Alice Jasmine Brown," Theodosia said "I don't know what gave you that idea, but I am perhaps the gayest lesbian you will ever meet, and the thought that I would ever be interested in Philip amuses me to no end, considering I have known him since kindergarten, and I know him too well to be anything but his best friend. Also, since you're the first person to ever suggest anything between Philip and I, I can believe that maybe it is you who likes Philip, and not me, since you did yell at me for possibly liking him. The door is over there. Have a good rest of your day."

There was another beat of silence before Alice turned and quietly walked out the door.

"Guuuuurl." Dick finally said, ending the silence. "Even though you dragging her through the figurative mud was the best thing that's happened to me today, that was a bit harsh."

Theodosia shrugged. "She's a jealous and possessive sort of person. I took it upon myself to teach her that she shouldn't be like that because she could be wrong, and people will use it against her."

"Still mean." Marie said, climbing off G's back and running out the door after her friend.

"Why aren't you surprised that she liked you?" George asked Philip, who had pulled out his own homework to do.

"Oh, I knew already!" Philip said, smiling. "She wasn't exactly subtle!"

"I was also protecting her from Philip." Theodosia added "When you've known Philip for a while you begin to realize he isn't as innocent and pure as he acts."

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