Chapter Eighty Nine - Last Minute Kisses

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Eston stood, leaning against the wall, next to G in the loose line of graduates that had slowly started to form across the Grand Hall.

There were no kids in their grade with a last name that started with K, so they had been next to each other in lines like these since pre-school, only separated in 7th grade when David had moved into Bluesville. It was how they had become friends.

"I'm bored." G declared, swinging his arms above his head and stretching.

"Well what am I supposed to do about that?" Eston asked.

G flopped his arms back down to his sides. He shrugged.

A teacher came in and called out that it would still be a while until they came outside, so they were free to mingle a bit longer.

The line broke up, though a few bits stayed where they were, like G and Eston.

"I'm still bored." G whined, half falling onto Eston.

"Eston looked down at G, who had lazily wrapped his arms around Eston's neck. G smiled at him, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I know that look." Eston said "What are you planning?"

"I'm not planning anything."


G laughed, smiled at Eston, then stood up on his toes and brought their lips together.

Just as quickly as it had started, the kiss ended. G mumbled something about going to talk to Theodosia, then sprinted away before Eston had the chance to react.

After a minute, Eston carefully brought his right hand to his lips. He could feel the blush that was practically taking up his entire face.

His mind rushed to come up with a reason why G would have kissed him, but those thoughts got drowned out by 'G kissed me' on repeat.

"Oh." George said. Eston turned his head to look at him.

"I, uh, came over to talk to you guys for a while, and then that happened." George said.

"That actually happened? I'm not hallucinating?" Eston said, because that was the only theory his mind could come up with.

"That happened." George said, smiling like a Dad who's kid had just scored a touchdown in football or something.

"I need to go." Eston said, taking his hand off his lips to point in the direction G had sprinted off in.

"You mean gay?" George asked.

"Ya. I need to gay." Eston said before taking off in a speed walk after G.

Eston could hear Will approach George and ask what happened as he walked away. He could also hear George telling Will that Estin and G kissed. Soon the whole grade would know what happened, but Eston didn't care.

He was too happy to care.

(I bet you weren't expecting that.)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now