Chapter Sixty - Confrontation, Argument, and a Departure

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Philip looked up, and the two made eye contact.

George nervously took a step forward, towards Philip.

Philip just stared at him.

George kept walking until he was a few feet away from Philip.

"Hey." George said.

Philip looked back down at the dancing mass below them.

"How are you?" George said, unsure of what else to say.

"I wanted to congratulate you for winning the game." Philip said quietly.

"Then why didn't you?" George asked.

"I tried to. I waited outside the locker room for you. But when you saw me you turned away and kept walking." Philip said.

"That wasn't what all what happened-" George started.

"Then what did happen?" Philip snapped, still looking down.

"I wanted to talk to you, but the team kept pushing me along." George said.

"Sure." Philip spit out, his voice ridden with sarcasm "That was what happened. It's not like you could have come talked to me if you really wanted to or anything."

George narrowed his eyes. "Maybe I did willingly walk away, because you're kind of being a real fucking bitch right now, Philip."

Philip snapped his head up, and George realized for the first time that Philip was crying.

They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. George wanted to reach out and hug Philip and apologize, but he couldn't seem to move. Maybe he was too scared to move.

Finally, Philip spoke.

"I really regret these stupid feelings I have for you." Philip said quietly "And right now, I really fucking regret ever being friends with you."

And then, Philip turned and walked away, and George let him. He wasn't sure what else to do.

It was a while before George realized he was crying too.

(I could be a major bitch right now, and mark this fanfic as completed, but the story's not over yet.)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ