Chapter Thirty One - G Spills Secrets

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"G, help me." George whispered, kicking G lightly.

"What?" G asked, rolling over on the floor before seeing Philip fast asleep against George's shoulder. "How cute!" He said.

"What am I supposed to do?" George asked.

"You're supposed to help me pick out another movie." Dick said, flipping through the options on Netflix "How about Mean Girls?"

"You're acting like if you move to much he'll die or something." G said "He'll be fine; Philip is a heavy sleeper. Plus, don't you want him to fall asleep on you? Since, y'know, you like him and all?"

Theodosia, Frances, David, and Will all simultaneously whipped their heads around to look at George.

"Whoops. Forgot they didn't know." G said.

Theodosia covered her mouth with her hands like a mom watching her kid graduate. "My son is gonna get married!" She cried.

"I was right!" Will said, poking David in the arm "Where's my 20 bucks?"

"You were betting on whether or not I liked Philip?" George asked, offended.

Will shrugged. "It was obvious if you bothered to pay attention."

Frances narrowed her eyes at George. "If you hurt my baby brother I swear it will be the last thing you do, George Eacker." She threatened.

"Can we just watch the movie?" George asked, a bit overwhelmed with all the attention on him.

"Aww yea, Mean Girls time." Dick said, starting the movie.

-time skip-

"Come on, Philip, time to wake up." Frances said, shaking her brother.

"Nooooooooo!" Philip whined, burying his face into George's shoulder, which made George blush.

Frances and half-asleep Philip argued for a bit more before Frances sighed.

"Can you drive him home possibly?" Frances asked George "I gotta get Theo home by 11 or her dad will murder me."

"Ok." George said, glancing at Philip, who had already fallen back asleep.

George waited until the front door shut behind Frances and Theodosia before putting Tiger the cat down on the floor and picking Philip up bridal style.

"Aww you look like a married couple!" Dick cooed.

"Shut up, Penis." George said, making Dick gasp in offense.

George walked out of the house and put Philip in the passenger seat of his car before coming back inside for Tiger and Tiger's things.

"Bye, George," G called as George left "take care of my cousin when you marry him!"

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now