Chapter Forty Eight - *A Bunch of New Characters Suddenly Appear*

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George stood nervously in front of the Hamilton's front door, adjusting his green sweater as he waited for someone to answer the doorbell.

An older woman, somewhere in her 60s or 70s, opened the door and smiled cheerfully at him. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm a friend of Philip's, he invited me over here for-" George said.

"Oh! You're Mr.George Eacker! I'll call Pip downstairs, come in! Come in!" The woman said, ushering him inside.

George stood in the front hall as the woman hurried up the stairs to find Philip, inhaling the scents of turkey and pie thay wafted from the kitchen.

"You came!" Philip cheered, running down the stairs after the woman.

"This is my Grammy," Philip said, gesturing to the woman "Martha Washington."

George reached out to shake her hand, but instead she pulled him into a hug. "Call me Martha." She said before going back into the kitchen.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to my Grandpop and my aunts and Moms and then we can go upstairs to see my cousins." Philip said, taking George's hand and leading him into the kitchen.

"Mama, Mom, aunt Angelica, this is my friend George." Philip said, pulling him in front of three woman. They greeted him politely and went back to whatever they were cooking. William's dad Hercules, who was also cooking with them, waved.

Philip then pulled George into the dining room, where two men were playing chess while a woman watched.

"Grandpop, aunt Peggy, Peter, this is my friend George." Philip said.

"Hey, your name is George, too." Peggy said, turning to Philip's Grandpop "You have to battle now to see who's the ultimate George."

"I'm not 'battling' him." Grandpop said, shaking George's hand "It's nice to meet you."

"This is my brother-in-law, Peter Francis Brown." Philip said, gesturing to Peter, he's married to my step-sister, and he's AJ's older brother."

Philip then dragged George up the stairs into Frances's bedroom.

G and a woman holding a baby sat on the bed while Frances, Will, Marie, the two dogs (Stella and Hop), a man, and two more woman sat on the floor.

"This is my older step-sister Susan-" Philip said.

"You can call me Sim-" she said.

"My Mama had her in highschool and then married my Mom. Her baby's name is Eliza." Philip continued "This is Henriette and Anastasie, G and Marie's older sisters, you can call them Henry and Ana. Henry's in her 3rd year of college and Ana is in her 2nd. And this is John, Will's older brother, he's also in his 3rd year of college."

"I'm George." George said, waving a little before sitting next to Will.

Philip took Baby Eliza, who was dressed in a turkey onesie, from Sim and sat down next to George.
The rest of the group must have been in the middle of a conversation before George arrived, because they immediately went back to arguing about which was the best Disney princess.

Baby Eliza cooed at George, and he held up his hand so she could hold onto his finger. Philip smiled.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now