Chapter Ninety Seven - Anna Learns About What Happened

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(George's mom's thoughts, whaaaaaat???
Trigger Warning for talk of abuse)

Anna watched George walk away from her, towards three people.

She watched the three embrace him, and wipe away his tears.

She looked away.

Anna hadn't wanted to leave, but she had to. She felt stuck, and hopeless, and though she loves George and his Father, she couldn't go on like that.

She had planned to come back sooner, but she had met her current husband, and she was suddenly too busy with her work and raising her younger children to visit him until now.

It wasn't an excuse, but it sounded like one.

And she couldn't get mad that there were people George loved more than her, she had forced him to make his own family. But she was still sad.

The sudden appearance of another graduating boy snapped Anna out of her thoughts.

"Anna Eacker, right?" He asked, reaching out to shake her hand.

"Anna Finck." She corrected, returning the handshake.

"I'm Georges Washington De Lafayette, but you can call me G. I'm a friend of George." He said.

"Oh good, could you get him to talk to me? I get I was a bad Mom, but I left him in good hands, and I want to make amends-"

"You didn't leave him in good hands." G interrupted, looking sadly at George.

"Excuse me?" Anna asked. What could Jacob have done that was so bad that it even made George's friends hate him? When she had known him, he was kind, funny, and handsome, she couldn't picture him doing anything bad, especially to their son.

G sighed. "George's father abused him." He said.

"What?" Anna asked, alarmed "He wouldn't do that!"

"From what George told me, his dad was really in love with you, and I don't know if he blamed George or what, but he took his feelings out on George."

"But-" Anna argued, refusing to believe what the boy was telling her.

"George's dad hit him in the side of the head with a beer bottle. George has a scar, if you need proof." G said.

"Why?" Anna asked, ready to cry.

"George is gay." G said "I probably shouldn't be outing him like this, but if you have even the slightest problem with his sexuality, I don't want you ever bothering him again, because he doesn't need to, and doesn't deserve to, be forced to deal with another homophobic parent."

G turned to go, but stopped. "George's dad is in jail, by the way." He told her which jail in case she wanted to visit him, and then continued on his way.

Anna stood by herself for a while. What had she put her baby through? 

(Even I, as the author, am uncertain how to feel about Anna. She did leave George to be abused by his father, but she didn't know Jacob would do that to George, and she felt trapped with them when they all lived together.
I guess all I can say, is that no matter who they are, or whatever the circumstances, there is always a good and bad side to a person. No matter what, they will always do things that sometimes end badly, intended to be bad or not.
Anna was unaware of what would happen, so she did what was best for her. She probably should have taken George with her, or come back sooner, but she didn't. And so you could consider her both good and/or bad. And because of this, she's probably my most complex character in this fanfiction.)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now