Chapter Eighty Seven - Musicals

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(Some of these chapters are going to be narrating other characters thoughts.

Itty-bitty trigger warning for talk of suicide)

Theodosia rested her head on Frances's shoulder while she listened to her friends talk.

"But I'm just saying that Dear Evan Hansen and Be More Chill could have been in the same school, but since their stories didn't cross-" Dick said before Philip interrupted him.

"But they weren't at the same school! If they were, there would be a mention of the whole squip fiasco in Dear Evan Hansen, or Connor's suicide in Be More Chill!" Philip argued.

"I'm not listening to you!" Dick said, plugging his ears and going 'lalala' and turning around in circles while Philip ran around him, trying to get in Dick's face.

"Seniors or kindergarteners, the world may never know." Eston muttered.

Frances laughed, moving Theodosia's head a little.

Theodosia smiled and tried not to cry. She should be happy- she was finally getting out of highschool, and out of small town Bluesville.

She was going to go to Harvard and study to be a doctor. Then, when she graduated college, she and Frances were going to move to New York.

And yet, she was still sad. She had lived in Bluesville all her life, and known the people in front of her most of it.

Because sometimes, no matter how much you want to, it can be hard to get over something.

"Ok, ok," G said, pulling out his phone "Be More Chill is in New Jersey isn't it?"

"Ugh, New Jersey." Will said, sticking out his tongue in disgust.

"Does the musical say where Dear Evan Hansen takes place?" G asked, taking out his phone and googling it anyways.

After a few minutes G smiled, indicating he had found an answer. "Google says New York." He said.

"Ha!" Philip said, pointing his finger at Dick.

Dick slapped Philip's hand away.

Theodosia smiled.

She would miss moments like these.

(Look at these nerds yelling about musicals when they're based off a musical)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant