Author's Note

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At the start I was just writing this mostly for my own enjoyment, since their isn't much Pheacker on the internet, but this fanfiction grew bigger than I ever thought it would.

I wish I could thank all of you who read and commented personally, but I feel like I'd leave a few of you out and make someone sad, so here's a group thanks: THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO READ THIS! YOU'RE ALL SO SWEET AND AMAZING AND FUNNY!

And a special thanks to my real-life best friend JustAnotherOne2U, who supported me when I was writing this, and me asking 'did you read my new chapter?' pretty much daily.

I'm sad too, that this ended, but I've got other stuff planned, so don't worry.

I plan to have an epilogue next too.

- Author, or as you guys sometimes call me, Mother

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant