Chapter Ninety One - Painted Nails

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"G and Eston just kissed, and then G ran off, and then Eston followed him, and now they're making out in a corner." David said, appearing next to Dick.

"Good for them, but we're still a cuter couple." Dick said, leaning his head on David's.

"The cutest." David answered.

Dick nodded.

"Also, did you paint your nails?" David asked.

"Ya, when we were here to say goodbye to teachers I painted mine, Philip's, Will's, and Theo's. Frances was there too, but she wanted to paint her own nails." Dick said.

"Yours look pretty emo, with the black nailpolish." David said.

"Shut up, black is elegant." Dick argued.

"Ok, ok." David said, taking Dick's hand "What did you paint everyone else's?"

"Will got blue, Philip and Frances did matching green, and Theo has pale pink." Dick said "I could paint yours too, if you wanted."

"No, you know my parents are kinda homophobic. If I came home with painted nails, they'd see it as a gay stereotype, and I'd get the awkward 'are you gay?' questions that I don't need from them." David said, kissing Dick's hand as an apology.

"Ok." Dick sighed. David's parents weren't active homophobes, but he knew that they had said they were glad their kids weren't gay, and that was enough of a reason for David not to come out to them.

A teacher came in and told them to get in line because they would be coming outside soon, and David kissed Dick's hand again before going to awkwardly stand between G and Eston, the new couple.

Dick sighed and went to his place where this kids who's last name started with P stood.

He pressed his lips to the place David had kissed on his hand earlier, a sort of indirect kiss.

David wasn't super big on public affection, but Dick didn't mind- he loved David just as much anyways.

(Ahhh nine more chapters to go! I'm not ready!)

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