Chapter Seventy Nine - Things are Looking Up

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(Here's the fluff you all needed.)

"....And this is your bedroom." Aaron Burr said, finishing up his tour of the Burr household.

George stepped in tentatively and looked around.

The walls were painted a pale blue, which complemented the white windowsills and curtains of the two windows. The room took up a corner of the top floor, so from one window George could see the backyard, and from the other the neighbor's house. The floor was wood, and the bed and side table that were put in the corner between the two windows, were made of a similar color of wood. The bed was already made, with a turquoise comforter and several pastel pillows. The closet doors were open, showing the three boxes of his things that George had brought over that were neatly stacked on each other.

George had decided to sell his childhood home, which he had been given ownership of, to add to his college fund. The furniture was in a storage unit in the town's local storage-place-thing.

"Feel free to change if up if you want, I don't mind. The bathroom's across the hall and-" Aaron started. George interrupted him by hugging the older man.

Aaron seemed suprised, but hugged George back none the less.

"Thank you." George said "I don't understand why you're doing this for me."

Aaron chuckled and patted George's back.

"You don't always need a reason to help people." was all he said as the oven alarm went off in the kitchen below.

"My casserole!" Aaron gasped, running out of the room as Theodosia entered it.

"What's up Georgie-George?" She asked.

"Please don't call me that." George said, smiling anyways.

Theodosia walked over to his pile of boxes and opened the first one, digging through and finding his gay flag.

George watched her climb up into his bed and hang up the flag with some tacks she produced from her pocket.

Theodosia looked at George and pointed to the flag.

"Never be ashamed of who you are, because you have overcome, and you can overcome again." She said before hopping off the bed.

"I'm a bit confused..." George trailed off, not quite getting her pep talk.

"That's ok. We can get you a bi or pan flag or something once you figure yourself out, though you don't ever have to figure yourself out." Theo said, walking out of the room.

"That's not what I meant! I'm definitely gay!" George yelled after her.

"Shut up! I'm trying to be a good sister!" Theo yelled back.

George blushed. He didn't mind if the Burr's considered him family.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now