Chapter Twelve - Pancakes and Peace

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"I don't actually know how to make pancakes..." Philip said, looking around his kitchen, clearly confused and lost.

George looked at him with an expression of disgust and disbelief. " have you not?" He asked.

Philip shrugged. "I don't ever have to make food? My Dad or Frances always cooks?"

"You are a mess, Philip Hamilton." George sighed. "Do you happen to know where you keep large bowls?"

Philip nodded eagerly, happy to not be entirely useless. He trotted over to a cupboard and pulled a large, yellow bowl from one of the lower shelves. "Like this?" Philip asked, bringing it back to George.

George took the bowl from him and set it in the counter. "How many pancakes are we making?"

"Well there are eleven of us in the house...two for each person...then about thirty!" Philip declared.

"That's a lot," George said "but I'm willing to do it if you are."

Philip clapped his hands together eagerly.

George pulled out his phone and figured out the amounts of ingredients they would need. Philip turned on the stove to let it heat.

We need all-purpose flour." George said. Philip ran and got it.
"Sugar, baking powder, and salt." Philip found those things and brought them to the counter.

"Two eggs, milk, canola oil and vanilla extract." George finished. Philip rounded up all the things they needed.

George measured out four cups of flour, eight tablespoons of sugar, eight teaspoons of baking powder and two teaspoons of salt and stopped. "Do we want just normal pancakes or normal and blueberry and/or chocolate chip?" George asked.

"All three!" Philip said, grabbing two more bowls, a bag of chocolate chips and one of those plastic containers of blueberries.

George equally divided up the dry ingredients and mixed them up in the bowls.

"Can I do anything else to help?" Philip asked as George began to measure out four cups of milk, one cup of canola oil, and two teaspoons of vanilla extract.

"Not really, Philip, sorry." George answered.

Philip sighed dejectedly, pulled his messy curls into a messier bun and wandered into the living room. George could hear him moving around papers and then a bench.

As George began to pour circles of pancake batter onto the pan on the stove he could hear Philip start to play a song on the piano.

It was a song George recognized but could not name, though he knew it was by some long dead composer.

Philip had clearly practiced the piece, and preformed perfectly, if you didn't count the mistakes caused by his cast. Soon, George found himself humming along quietly as he poured out batter, flipped pancakes, and then piled them on three plates he had found.

Something about the almost sad piano music, and the repetition of pancake making, and how the stars still twinkled outside the window made time seem to stop existing to George, and he barely noticed as the clock on the wall's hour hand slipped past five in the morning.

George finished making the pancakes and wandered into the living room after Philip. He then watched as Philip's long fingers barely seemed to touch the keys as his hands glided over them.

George found himself resisting the urdge to walk over and kiss the top of Philip's head in some type of domestic action.

George shook his head lightly, confused at the sudden urge.

Philip's song slowed to an end, and he seemed to realize George watching him for the first time.

"Did you like my song?" Philip asked, sliding off the bench. George nodded.

"Oh wow, it's only 5:16, I really misjudged on when to make pancakes. I thought they would be more complicated than that." Philip said, looking at the clock.

"How hard did you think it would be?" George asked.

Philip shrugged. "Mildly hoping to have to go on a quest to track down an incredibly rare, but very necessary, ingredient." He said.

George rolled his eyes and laughed. "Philip, you're incredible."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Philip demanded, crossing his arms.

George shrugged and smiled. Philip looked at him curiously, but smiled back.

(Author's Note: I actually had no idea how to make pancakes and had to look up ingredients for not only pancakes, but thirty pancakes.
Also, I keep forgetting Philip is in a cast, which I should probably stop doing considering this started on the grounds of Philip breaking his arm.)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now