Chapter Eighty - Dresses

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(None of you asked for this, but it's happening anyways.)

April continued, steadily shortening the time between now and prom on May 3rd.

Spring Break had passed earlier, and Philip spent most of the time with George, where he now resided at the Burr house, but now they were back in school, watching as the days counted down until prom. It was now April 25th, leaving only 8 days until the fated day.

Currently, Frances and Philip were walking through a fancy clothing store, trying to find a dress for Frances.

"How about this?" Philip said, pointing to a mannequin sporting a long pale blue dress with a deep neckline to expose lots of cleavage.

Frances shook her head. "Too revealing for my tastes."

Philip sighed loudly and walked around to look at other dresses. They had been in the store for what seemed like forever, and Philip was more than ready to leave.

Philip wandered down an isle, running his hand through the soft fabrics of the dresses as he passed them.

His eyes caught of a hint of yellow on the one of the racks, and he pulled the dress out go get a better look at it.

The top started in two straps going over the shoulders, and a tight top that went down to the hips before blooming out in a large layered skirt.

Like this:

Like this:

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Or this:

Philip looked around to make sure no one was around before pressing the dress against his chest and peaking in a nearby mirror to see what he would look like in it

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Philip looked around to make sure no one was around before pressing the dress against his chest and peaking in a nearby mirror to see what he would look like in it.

Careful not of get his hopes up, Philip checked the price tag. It's price had been knocked down several times, suggesting that no one wanted to buy the dress.

Philip grinned. It was pretty, and cheap, and just his size. Or in other words, perfect.

Philip looked at himself in the mirror again before stopping.

Was he really going to wear a dress to prom? He could easily be made fun of. Sure, he had worn a playboy bunny outfit for Halloween, and G had worn a skirt multiple years in a row, but that was Halloween, where anything went. This was prom, and a lot different than the October holiday.

Philip sighed. His heart wanted to buy the dress and be the prettiest person at prom, but his brain held him back and warned him of all that could go wrong.

"Whatcha doin'?" Frances asked, making Philip jump.

"Nothing! Nothing!" He said, rushing to get the dress back on it's hanger and back in the rack of dresses.

"You were thinking of wearing that dress to prom, weren't you?" Frances asked. Damn her ability to practically read his mind.

Philip hesitated before nodding. Frances smiled at him.

"You'd look so cute in it!" She gushed, taking it from him and folding it over her arm. "Now come look at the dress I found! It's this really pretty deep green and-" she grabbed his hand and pulled him along, talking excitedly.

Philip smiled. He was lucky to have Frances as his sister.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now