Chapter Ten - George, after a Moment, Smiled Back

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(Author's Note: Oops I accidentally wrote three chapters in a row where you knew what was going on in Philip's mind instead of switching back over to George after the second one. I'm going to write another chapter for Philip, this chapter, and then four for George, and then the normal two chapters for each. Just a heads up.)

Another hour or so had passed and the hypnotizing dancing flames of the fire pit had lulled most of the nine to sleep. Only Frances, Philip and George were still up, and even then they were quiet under the comfortable silence.

Philip could hear the garage door opening and his Pop's stepping into the house.

He could hear his Dad go to greet him, and the quiet back-and-forth murmur of voices between them.

"Any of you still awake out here?" Alexander Hamilton asked, quietly opening the back door.

Philip lazily raised his hand while Frances verbalized that the three of them were still awake.

"Can you make me a s'more, then?" Alex asked, stepping out onto the stone porch.

"Ok, Pops." Philip said, realing back his metal rod, which did happen to have a marshmallow on it.

The chocolate and graham crackers were still in Theo's lap, so Philip had to lean over and take a few pieces awkwardly before handing his father the now-made s'more.

"Philip, I don't know how you do it, but you are amazing at roasting marshmallows." Alex remarked, biting into the s'more.

"He is." George said, wanting to join in the conversation.

Alex whipped his head around to look at George.

"And you're George Eacker?" Alexander asked. You could hear the anger seeping into his voice.

"Relax, Pops, he apologized." Frances said before Alex could do or say something...regretful.

"He even signed my cast!" Philip added, holding up his broken arm and pointing to George's signature.

Alex nodded, but still glared at George.

"Pops, seriously, even Moonlight and her kittens like him." Frances said, pointing to the cats that were partially hidden under George's blanket.

Alex tilted his head back, a bit impressed. "Well there's pizza in the kitchen if any of you want some." He finally said, opening the sliding door and stepping back inside.

Philip looked over and smiled at George, who looked a little uncertain.

George, after a moment, smiled back.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora