Chapter Ninety Eight - A Bit of Change

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Philip was the first of the three of them to see George.

You could see his face light up when he first saw his boyfriend, and then it quickly fade as he realized how broken George looked.

Philip wrapped his arms around George. He didn't ask what was wrong, or if he could make anything better, he just hugged George, which seemed to be exactly what George needed.

Theodosia reached out and patted George's back, and he unexpectedly pulled her and her Dad into the hug.

They stood there like that for a while, until G joined them, and they broke apart to see what he had to say.

G stood solemnly, the most serious Theodosia had ever seen him.

"I would say something, but there isn't much to be said. His Mom showed up, and none of us were quite ready for her appearance." G said, shrugging a bit.

Another bit of silence passed before Eston, Dick, David, Will, and Frances suddenly appeared out of the crowd.

"Where'd you guys go?" Frances asked "You can't just dissapear on me like that! I had to hang out with Dick!"

"Hey!" Dick said, swatting her arm.

They then seemed to notice the solemn air of the group, and stopped, their smiles faltering.

Theodosia gestured to the woman walking alone towards the parking lot.

The five noticed the similarities in her features compared to George, and they quickly connected the dots.

George was wrapped up in another hug.

"Philip! Frances! G!" Alexander Hamilton called, and they looked up to see Alex and their large family.

The three of them left, but not before Frances and G hugged George again, and Philip pressed a kiss to his cheek. Aaron went with them, probably to explain what happened.

Theodosia guessed that since Alex was a terrible gossip, that the word of George's Mom's appearance would spread quickly among the parents and teachers, and then to their fellow students.

"Any thoughts or emotions you want to get out?" Theodosia asked, still rubbing George's back.

"Thank you for taking me in, you know, when my Dad went to jail." George said, wrapping his arm around Theo's shoulders.

"Thank you, for coming to live with us." Theo answered.

George smiled again.

"Are you ever gonna talk to your Mom again, or was that a once and for all kind of thing?" Theodosia asked, watching his Mom's car leave the parking lot.

"I don't know, maybe. It's just, she showed up at a bad time. Maybe, over time, I can reconnect with her, but I just can't right now."

Theodosia nodded.

The sun was beginning to set a bit, and the two of them stood and watched the colors of the sky change.

There was a bit of change not only in the sky, but in themselves as well.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now