Chapter Forty Five - Dramatic Anime Backstory

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(David is great because he realized he liked someone and fucked them on the same day)

"Why are you like this?" Philip asked his reflection as he dried his curls with a towel in the bathroom mirror.

His reflection only glared back at him.

Philip dried himself and tugged on a pair of sweatpants and a sweater and opened the bathroom door, letting out a cloud of steam from his shower.

Upon reaching his bedroom and locking the door behind him, Philip flopped on his bed and stared at his phone.

He had picked it up and drafted several texts to George apolizing for earlier that day, but always ended up deleting them.

What was he supposed to say? 'Sorry for being a bitch about having good parents'?

Philip sighed. This was the first time George had told him anything about his life at home, besides the fact that his mom left, and the only reason he did was because Philip was complaining about something George probably wished he had.

Talk about being a fucking bitch.

Philip mentally slapped himself and turned on his phone and opened George's contact.

Me: Sorry.

Angst Queen: For what?

Me: Complaining about my dads.

Angst Queen: It's fine.

Me: No it's not.
Me: It's just sometimes I forget that people have it worse than me, and I didn't realize that your life at home isn't perfect, and I'm sorry for complaining about the good things in my life.

Angst Queen: Relax, I forgive you. We all tend to be self-absorbed sometimes.

Me: Ok.
Me: Will you tell me more about your life at home?

Angst Queen: Like what?

Me: I don't know, what was your childhood like?

Angst Queen: Like getting in a roller coaster, and being super excited to be on it, and then getting to the top of the first hill and realizing you aren't buckled in.

Me: Queen of Angst more like Queen of Analogies.

Angst Queen: Shut up.

Me: I was just messing with you.
Me: Please do tell me about your life.

Angst Queen: Meet me at the park and I will. It's not I thing I can just text you about.

Me: Ok. See you in five-ish minutes.

Philip pulled on his shoes and coat and raced down the stairs, rushing to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Alexander called from the living room.

"I'll be back in a bit!" Philip called back "My friends gonna tell me his dramatic anime backstory!"

(I probably just ruined the whole chapter with the whole dramatic anime backstory thing whoops)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now