Chapter Fifty Nine - George is Worried

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(59 chapters and they haven't even kissed yet, oops.

Also, I realized it would be better if George actually noticed Philip outside the locker room, so I'm gonna go back and edit that)

George frowned.

Frances, Will, and David were all hugging Philip like something bad had happened to the sunshine-y boy.

George recalled walking out of the locker rooms and seeing Philip, but he was swept along by the football team, so he could only spare him a glance.

George hoped Philip wasn't upset because of that.

George watched the hug break apart and the three of them seemed to be reassuring Philip.

George was worried. He turned to ask Theodosia if she might know anything, but just then the vehicles in line for the parade started, and George was drowned out by the football team cheering behind him.

The parade was horribly long, especially since George wanted to go see what was wrong with Philip as soon as possible.

Finally, after what seemed like a million years of throwing candy to children, the parade reached the old town hall.

George jumped out of the car and pushed through the crowd of highschoolers, trying to find Philip.

He didn't find Philip, but he found G, who pushed him into the old town hall, and said they would find Philip later, and Philip was probably hanging out with Frances or something.

George spent the night looking for Philip, but to no avail.

Eventually, though, the DJ called for the Homecoming king and queen to share a dance, so George and Theo ended up awkwardly dancing to a slow song.

"Look at us," Theo said "two gay kids dancing together like we're straight at Homecoming."

George laughed, but his heart wasn't in it.

Theo noticed this.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

George explained how he had seen Philip be hugged and comforted like something was wrong, and that he was worried, but couldn't find Philip.

"You haven't seen him?" Theo asked "he's been up on the balcony all night. Most of the time he was watching you."

George glanced up at small indoor balcony thing ran around the edge of room, about 20 feet up. Sure enough, Philip was leaning against the railing of the mostly empty balcony, holding a can of soda and letting his curls hang down so his face was hidden.

"I went to talk to him earlier, but he said he wanted to be alone." Theo said.

"Do you mind if I....?" George trailed off, pointing to the stairs leading to the balcony.

Theo pushed him in that direction just as the song finished. "Go get your man!" She called after him.

George climbed up the stairs and located Philip.

He took a step forward.

Even though they were still a couple yards apart Philip looked up, and the two made eye contact.

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now