Chapter Nineteen - More Bunny Talk

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"You have to finish painting the castle later on, AJ." The director said as the theater kids grabbed their bags and began to leave the auditorium.

"I will, I will." Alice, who also went by AJ, said dismissively. The director shook her head a bit and walked off to talk to the girl playing princess Jasmine.

"Are you really going as a bunny?" Alice asked as Philip pulled his backpack onto one shoulder.

"Don't tell anyone." Philip said.

"Why not?" Alice asked, crossing her arms.

"Because I asked you not to." Philip said.

"Asked her not to what?" Marie Lafayette, G's little sister and Philip's cousin asked, walking over to them.

Alice quickly greeted her best friend.

"Not to tell anyone what I'm going as for Halloween." Philip answered, smiling at his cousin.

"Aren't you and G's friend, Richard, going as the same thing?" Marie asked, getting her bag.

"Ya. Don't tell anyone what we're going as, please."

"Oh, I won't! Richard told me to keep it a secret." Marie said.

"Wait, does G know?" Philip asked.

"Nope!" Marie said, happy to know something her brother didn't "I only know because Richard wanted to know my suggestions on makeup. But he should've asked Frances or Theodosia because I don't know much about makeup."

"Who's Frances and Theo-whatever-her-name-is?" Alice said, narrowing her eyes.

"Chill out, AJ," Marie said "Don't you know Philip's twin sister, Frances?"

"You have a twin sister?" Alice asked.

"Ya, he does, they got voted most attractive people in school in the yearbook the last three years, not including this one." Marie said.

"Plus two years in middle school." Philip added.

"What about Theo-something?" Alice asked.

"Theodosia is a very close friend of mine." Philip said. Something in Alice's face changed when he said that.

Together, Philip and the two freshmen walked out of the building.

"Where are you going?" Alice asked "The parking lot is this way."

"The weight room. Some friends of mine on the football team should be in there right now." Philip said "Wanna come?"

The two girls nodded and followed Philip across the school grounds.

"Hey, there's G." Philip said, raising his arm and waving at G, Eston, George, and Dick who were just entering the building. G waved back, acknowledging the three of them.

(Whoo, I made Alice more of a bitch than I intended, and cut off the chapter awkwardly, but you guys got two chapters today, so you'll survive.)

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