Chapter Fifty One - Get Fucked Football

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(Why do people ship Maria and Peggy? I don't understand.
Like, they're played by the same person so all I can imagine it as is some weird case of incest.)

"Time for get fucked football!" Henry cheered, opening the sliding glass door to the backyard.

"What's that?" George asked Philip from the place on the floor they were lying on together.

"No one except G, and you now, knows how to actually play football, so instead of actually playing the game we just throw the football at each other's heads and yell 'get fucked!'" Philip said, standing up.

"What?" George asked, confused.

"I mean, there are rules. Like, if you get hit you're out, but if you dodge or catch the ball you're still in. We play until only one person is still in." Philip explained as the pair walked outside into the backyard.

"Sounds a bit dangerous." George said.

"Oh, it is," Philip answered "once John got hit in the head with the football and had to go to the hospital because he got a concussion."

"Lovely." George said "I'm down to play."

"Get fucked!" Henry screeched, signaling the beginning of the game as she threw it at G.

G caught it and threw it back at her, also screaming "Get fucked!"

The game commenced, people throwing the ball back and forth, getting each other out and diminishing the number of players.

George got out when G threw it at him from behind, and Philip followed soon after when Sim hit him with the ball.

Together they sat on the porch and watched Philip's cousins scream "Get fucked!" Over and over.

Sim won the game, and another round was started, which Alex joined. He won the second game.

Eventually, after many rounds of Get Fucked Football, the group headed inside and curled up in front of the TV to watch Disney movies.

George fell asleep next to Philip on the floor as the Thanksgiving sun went down, happy.

(I figured out how to climb onto my roof today I feel like the true rebellious teen.)

Philip Hamilton x George Eacker becuz I said soWhere stories live. Discover now