27: The Letter F

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I brought my arm up to cover my eyes from the sudden light that filled the room. When my eyes adjusted I looked around to see a bunch of boxes lying around. Weapons laid on a table looking menacing. Shivers ran down my spine as I take in the sight.

My shoulder brushed Newt's as Minho made his way toward the back of the room, saying there was a secret closet. I was still glancing around the room when I heard Minho dragging a cardboard box across the floor. I turned to see Thomas run up to the box. He kneeled in front of it then looked up to Minho.

"I put each section in a different box. There is eight boxes in total." Minho concluded.

"Which one is this one?" Thomas asked looking back down at the box.

"I don't know. Why don't you just open it. We labeled them." Minho said rolling his eyes. Thomas tugged at the box flaps until they popped free. Thomas's face lit up with excitement and he reached in to grab multiple Maps. I stepped up to the table where Thomas was laying the Maps.

"Okay," Thomas said organizing the papers. "The Runners have always compared these day to day to see if there was a pattern to figure out. Even though we didn't know what we were looking for we still kept looking. Right? Even before I arrived a month ago."

Minho nodded, his arms crossed. "Well," Thomas continued, "what if the wall movements had nothing to do with the maps or the maze or anything like that? What if the wall movements are creating words. Code words."

Minho huffed and pointed at the maps. "Dude, you have studied these maps before. You know we have tried everything. Don't you think we would've found words by now?"

I was starting to get what Thomas was saying, "Maybe you can't see it with the naked eye, just comparing one day to the next. And maybe you weren't supposed to compare one day to the next of the same section, but look at one at a time!"

Newt stepped up to the table next to me as he spoke. "Tommy, I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it sounds like you're talking straight from your butt to me." Thomas wasn't paying attention to Newt as I could practically see the gears turning in his head.

"I know what you're saying." I said trying to be encouraging to get him to keep going. He flashed me a small smile.

"Okay, okay," He said. "We've always had a Runner assigned to one section everyday right?"

"Right." Minho nodded. He looked intrigued and ready to actually listen to Thomas this time.

"And the Runner makes a Map every day, and then compares it to Maps from previous days, for that section. What if, instead of comparing them day to day from the same section you're suppose to use all eight sections together. Each day can be a separate code. Did we ever compare the sections to other sections?" Thomas explained looking over his shoulder to look at Minho.

He rubbed his chin as he hummed. "Yeah, kind of. We tried to see if they made something when we put together- of course we did that! We've tried everything."

Thomas looked at the sheets in front of him. He looked to be studying them. "We need wax paper and all the markers and pencils we can find." He said abruptly. "Also some scissors."

"Huh-?" Minho said. "Just trust me on this guys." Thomas said. I nodded as I ran from the storage room to the Kitchen to get wax paper.


After ten minutes of hunting for markers and pencils, we finally got our supplies. I stood next to Thomas this time as he explained what everyone needed to do. He gave Minho a knife to cut rectangles from the wax paper as he ordered Newt, Teresa, and I to grab a stack of maps and start tracing them on the wax paper.

I hunched over the table concentrating on making the lines neat enough to be read but I needed to be fast and finish them. I was working next to Newt.

From time to time my elbow would bump into Newt's as we were both working as fast as we could to trace these Maps. I would glance up at him to see him sticking his tongue out a bit, signaling he was concentrated on the task on hand.

After a while of silence Newt spoke up and dropped his marker. "I'm done." He said stretching his fingers out. "My fingers are bloody burning like a mother. See if it's working."

I straightened and stretched my fingers, arms, and legs. A pop emitted from almost every joint in my body. Newt looked at me with a raised eyebrows he heard all those pops. I looked at him and asked, "What?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "I wasn't sure if you were popping popcorn or stretching." I blushed as I elbowed him in the side. He laughed out loud and that caught the attention of the rest. We both blushed and apologized.

"See what you did Newt!" I whispered/shouted at him. He chuckled to himself and smiled.

"Alright lovebirds pass us your maps." Minho said with a smirk. I grabbed mine then reached to grab Newt's. His hand brushed mine as he handed his to me. I nodded then passed them to Minho who then passed it to Thomas.

Thomas separated them into stacks, each stack being a section, then he grabbed a stack of them. I walked over to him to see what he was doing. I looked over his shoulder to see him stacking the papers together. The light shown through the milky paper as the black lines of the Maze crisscrossed each other. From far away it would look like an ordinary cross grid but when you come close you could see where the lines cross and where they cross repeatedly.

I squinted my eyes just make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. There in Thomas's hands, a stack of papers that contained the letter F in the center.

"Holy shuck." I whispered so only Thomas could hear me. He nodded as he stared at the letter in front of us.

'I think we just found a way out.' I said talking to them my mind. I looked up to Teresa to see her smiling, while Newt and Minho stood there confused. I sent them a grin as I walked over to them.

I stood in front of them and they tilted their heads down to get a good look at me. "It's a code! The Maze is a code!" I screeched embracing them both. The letter F stood out from the rest of the zig-zagging lines. It was definitely a letter.

We are getting out, all of us.


Hello guys!! How did you like it? I hope it was good enough to please y'all. Thank you for actually reading this. All of you are lovely people. And as always. . . .remember stay weird. I love you. <3

QOTD: Teresa or Brenda

A: Teresa. I don't like what she did but I think she is better than Brenda. I'm not a fan of Brenda.

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