33: Time

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Thomas looked at me weirdly but Newt and Chuck didn't have much of a reaction to the news I just spilled.

Newt sighed and came up to me. He kneeled beside me, making me look at him. "Look (Y/n), we don't care who you are or what you did. What we care about is what you have become and what you're doing for us. Just because you just found out your the shuck leaders niece don't mean we gonna start hating you. For all we know we could've been just as bad as you guys working for WICKED. now get your arse up and finish what you started."

Newts small speech caught Thomas and I off guard. Thomas stood up and gave Newt a pat on the back. Newt glared at the brunnett. Thomas took a step back as I got back up on wobbly feet. Newt steadied me as I got up.

'He isn't playing (Y/n). He looks dead serious.' Thomas's voice rang through my head. I looked at him with a small smile on my face.

'I know he is. I can tell by the way he glared at you. He usually smiles at you. What did you do?' I asked him at the end knowing that he must've done something to get Newt to do that. Even if the blond was serious he wouldn't have glared at Thomas like that.

Thomas's eyes widen as he looked away. He shook his head as he walked to Chuck. 'I did nothing to piss off Newt. Psshh why would you think that?'

Newt wrapped his arm around my waist as he lead me out of the Slammer. 'Aha! I knew you did something. Newt likes you to much to glare at you even when he is serious.'

Thomas stumbled a bit catching Newts attention. "Bloody hell Tommy. Can't you walk somewhere without falling every two steps?" I raised my brows at the tall boy but he looked away.

'Okay Thomas what did you do to Newt?' I asked glancing at him making sure he knows I'm serious.

Thomas walks alongside Chuck silently as he looks at the ground. 'I might have accidently ran back into the Maze when the Grievers were out.'

I almost stopped in my tracks when I heard him. I shook my head staring wide eyed at the gray Glade. Newt still supported me the whole way to the Homestead.

'WHAT THE SHUCK THOMAS! WHY WOULD YOU GO BACK INTO THE SHUCK MAZE AT NIGHT WHEN GRIEVERS ARE OUT?!' I yelled at him in my mind causing him to to hold his head in his hands. After my quick scolding a slight jolt of pain raised in the depths of my brain.

'Hey! It's not my fault you kept screaming and yelling in both Teresa's and I's heads. I wanted to escape your screams so I ran into the Maze.' Thomas explained shivering a bit.

We arrived at the Homestead only to be trampled on by Teresa, Clint, Jeff, and Minho. They kept throwing questions in my direction, hoping I would catch one and answer it. I tuned them out staring into oblivion. Newt shushed them and answered their questions.

I silently thanked Newt for keeping them at bay with their questions. All my focus was turned on Thomas. My brows were furrowed as my gaze was casted down to the wooden floor boards.

'What was I saying?' I asked grimly. Turning my head slightly so that Thomas could appear in my line of vision. He looked down wide eyed. He shivered a bit and blinked. The horrified look on his face vanished and he looked up at Teresa.

'You kept repeating something weird. You said the Flare. Not immune and immunes. You kept whispering these things into mine and Teresa's heads. Honestly it scared the klunk outta me.'

I bit my lip as Newt set me down on a chair. "Thanks for the help Newt." I whispered my thanks to him and looked to Teresa. She stared at me with that same haunting look Thomas had not too long ago. Newt walked over to Minho and started to whisper to each other. Minho giving me weird glances here and there.

'The Flare? What the shuck does that mean? I don't recall anything about the Flare or immunes. . . .' My sentence tapered off as I realized something. 'The Flare is a virus. One that has conquered the world we once knew. The one we all lived happily in when we were smaller.' All this new information poured out of me. I couldn't process any of it. It was as if the word Flare had pulled a switch in my head that allowed me to spill about this so called virus.

My eyes were wide and my mouth was open. Everyone's eyes were on me. Thomas was still looking straight into my (E/c) eyes. His brown eyes were wide as well. He didn't seem to understand what I was talking about but neither did I.

Teresa walked up to me putting both hands on my shoulders shaking me from my state of shock. "(Y/n)? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked her voice filled with concern.

I blinked and my eyes went back to its natural state. They traveled to everyone's face landing on Teresa's. Her bright blue ones were filled with nothing but concern, worry, and a bit of fear. I latched my arms onto her extended ones.

"We-we can't leave." I whispered. Blinking a bit looking down as tears threatened to spill. I shook my head as even more information leaked into the once empty void of memories. Pictures of fire and cannibals filled my mind.

I started to shake as I looked at Teresa. Her hands gripped my shoulders as she shook me a bit more calling out my name. Thomas ran to my side joining Teresa. Newt and Minho stood back watching all of it unfold. As if they were snapped out of their daze they ran toward me. Newt grasped onto my hand and squeezed it.

My eyes landed on him and it was as if Newt was the answer. The horrid memories stopped all together. The tears that were about to spill were gone in a blink of the eye.

I closed my eyes. Darkness was all that I saw. I opened them and light flooded my vision. I took a deep breath. My eyes connected with ever single eye in that room.

They landed on curious brown orbs. "We can't leave." My voice was just barely above a whisper. Some leaned in to catch what I said. I repeated again raising my voice. "We can't leave."


Anyways guys lmao, I hope you enjoyed and remember stay weird. Love ya.

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