4: Solve the Buggin' Maze

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Remember (Y/N) WICKED is good.

WICKED is good (Y/N)


I woke up startled by my dream sitting up in my hammock almost falling off of it. I got my balance on the hammock and took in deep breaths.


I quickly turn my head toward the source of that sound and see a tired looking Alby standing there with a finger up to his lips signaling for me to keep quiet. I nodded at him and gave him a confused look. He only gestured for me to follow him. So I got up putting my boots on and following him through the Deadheads.

We arrived at the clearing of the Glade seeing that some boys were already up and working.

"I'll be giving ya the tour today Green-" I stopped him before he could go on.

"My name is (Y/N) not Greenie," I told him.

"Oh good you got your name back," Alby responded,"Now as I was saying. I'm taking ya on the shuck tour now. Don't ask questions till the end got it Green- I mean (Y/N)."

I nodded.

"There are four sections here in the Glade. The Gardens, The Homestead, The Blood House, and The Deadheads," Alby said."That's the Gardens. Where we farm our crops and all that,"he gestured to a field with crops."The Homestead. You already know about it but it's the place where the boys sleep and where the Med-jacks have their quarters,"he gave a nod in the direction of the Homestead. "The Blood House. Where we raise and slaughter the animals,"he pointed to an old worn out barn. "And finally the Deadheads. It's the woods where we get some fertilizer for the Track-hoes and the Graveyard is in the back corner,"Alby gestured to the woods behind us.


A couple hours passed and Alby is now introducing me to Newt properly.

"Hey Greenbean, sorry I was so harsh on ya yesterday. It just was a stressful day with Tommy. That poor boy. Can't imagine what he's going through," Newt told me a sad look crossing his features but then fading into a small smile.

"Apology accepted. Sorry about yesterday as well. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. How long has Thomas been like that Newt?" I asked him feeling bad.

"It's alright Greenbean ya didn't know," he began,"oh and Tommy well that poor boy has been like this for the past two days he got stung the day before you came. When he was doing his run with Minho."

"He should be getting better in a day or two, hopefully it does I don't like to see Thomas like this," Alby pitched in.

I nodded slowly a frown forming on my face.

"Hey Green-" Newt started

"The names (Y/N). Also what did Thomas get stung by? And what the hell is a Greenbean or Greenie anyways?" I interrupted Newt.

Newt smiled and nodded towards Alby,"Alby will tell ya what he was stung by, but I will tell ya what a Greenbean is. Greenbean is a nickname we give to the newbies like Greenie. Don't get your knickers all in a bunch of someone calls ya Greenbean or Greenie. Got that, (Y/N)?"

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