26: Hidden

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Thomas stared at Teresa in shock. I sat on my knees staring at the Map Room in horror.

'This can't be happening right now. Not after we had some clue of what to do.'

I sat there holding in my tears as Thomas rushed past me and ran to the Map Room leaving Teresa in the Slammer. I got up to my feet and ran after him, stumbling a bit.

I arrived to the scene to see that the Map Rooms door is slightly ajar as it's interior is blackened. Light smoke was filtering out of the dense building. A crowd of boys gathered in front of the building, whispering to each other.

Thomas was in front with Minho. They were looking down frowning, talking to someone on the ground. I shifted and got to see what was going on when a boy removed himself from the scene before us.

Newt was crouched down on the floor dabbing a white towel on Alby's head. I grimaced when I see that he has a huge gash on his forehead. It looked as if someone bashed his head in. Blood was flowing into his eyes and crusting there.

I pushed through the boys and made way to the front. Newt was bent over Alby. Thomas was talking with Minho quietly. Newt would occasionally look up at the duo confirming some things. I didn't pay attention to what they said though. I just kept staring at Alby's sleeping figure.

"What happened to him?" I spoke out suddenly.

Newt was the one to respond. He stood up with his own white- no scratch that- red cloth. My brows shot up. "He was attacked by something or someone. We don't have all the details right now." Newt said refolding the rag to find a clean spot.

His cut was still bleeding but not a lot. I stepped up and took his rag from his fumbling fingers. I rearranged it to find the only white spot left. I pressed it to his temple.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him looking at the cloth with blood all over it.

"I'm fine. . ." he said, waving me off.

I turned to Thomas. "Did you tell them about what we found out?"

Thomas shook his head as he continued to speak, this time addressing all three of us. "(Y/n) and I have to tell you something very important but first we have to let Teresa out." When he said that, my brows shot up and I glanced at the Slammer.

Newt snorted and rolled his eyes. "The last thing I care about is your shucking girlfriend Tommy." He retreated the hand with the cloth and just stared at it. I was still next to him, watching his moves. He turned back around and crouched next to Alby still tending to his wound. "Look Tommy if what you have to say is so important then come out with it."

I wasn't expecting him to answer like that. "Newt!" Thomas yelled trying to get his attention. Minho stood there with his arms crossed. "Just let her out." Thomas continued Newt just waved him off and kept dabbing the towel on Alby's forehead.

Thomas opened his mouth to keep protesting but I raised a hand to stop him. Both boys raised a brow at me but I just smiled at them. I turned around and crouched next to Newt. He glanced at me and mumbled 'what do you need?'.

I gave him a cheeky smile and answered, "C'mon Newt don't be like this. Just get Teresa out and we will explain everything. Yeah?" I was whispering in his ear. He was blushing when I pulled away but he didn't say anything. Slowly he turned his head to me. He raised a brow at me then sighed, he looked down then got up.

He dusted himself off, even though he was covered in soot and dirt, his hair was matted with sweat, he turned to me a held a hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up. "Alright I'll go." He said then turned to some Glader. "Go get Clint." He said simply handing him the rag. The fellow Glader nodded then ran off to go get the Med-jacks.


"Please- Just let her out Newt. Please." Thomas pleaded. He looked at me trying to get me to convince him. I shrugged, basically telling him that it was on him. He huffed and turned to Newt.

"How do we know we can trust this girl?" Minho spoke out, his arms crossed. "She triggered something."

"He's got a point Tommy." Newt said. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

Thomas gestured to the Slammer. "We an trust her. She is the only one who can make some sense of things around here." I stood next to the door of the Slammer. Teresa was at the bars listening to the conversation. From time to time she would call them stupid for saying something about her.

"Come on," Thomas insisted. "What's she gonna do? Run around and stab every Glader? Come on." I chuckled at this. Newt and Minho gave each other a long exhausted look.

"Fine let the stupid girl out." Newt sighed. My eyes widen, a bit hurt by his comment. "I'm not stupid!" she called out. "And I can hear every word you morons are saying!"I laughed and gave her high five from between the bars.

Newt's eyes widen. "Real sweet girl you picked, Tommy." I looked at him with a raised brow. "Shut up Newt you got yourself one too. Now open the door." Thomas said looking my way. I blushed and looked away.

Newt grunted and stepped up to the Slammer brushing his shoulder against mine. He got out his keys and opened the door. I walked to Thomas as Teresa came out. She glared at Minho and Newt and went to stand by Thomas. She was really close to him and I smirked as I felt him stiffen from the contact she made with him.

"Alright talk." Minho said bluntly. "What's so important." All three of us looked at each other trying to figure out how to say it.

"What?" Teresa said. "You guys talk- they obviously think I am a serial killer."

I shook my head and muttered. "Yeah you look really dangerous." I turned my attention to the boys and waited for Thomas to start.

"Okay, when Teresa was first coming out of her deep sleep, she had memories flashing through her mind. She um-" He stopped. He looked as if he was thinking of how to say it. "she told me later that she remembers that the Maze is a code. That maybe instead of solving it to find a way out, it's trying to send us a message."

"A code?" Minho asked. "How's it a code?"

This time I stepped up. "You said there was a pattern in the Maps. You're way more familiar with them than me. The code could be hidden inside the Maze's wall movements." I explained.

Minho and Newt turned to look at each other with raised brows. Newt nodded.

"What?" Thomas and I said in unison. "You guys keep acting like you have a secret." Thomas said.

Minho rubbed his eyes with both hands and took in a deep breath. "We hid the Maps."

I stood there blinking dumbly at the two. "Huh?"

Minho pointed to the Homestead. "We hid the freaking Maps in the weapons room, put dummies in their place. Because of Alby's warning. And because of the so-called Ending your girlfriend triggered."

I jumped up with excitement then quickly stopped as I got weird looks from the other teens. I blushed and looked down. I looked back up to see Newt nodding at Thomas.

"They're all safe and sound," Minho said. "Every last one of those suckers. So if you have a theory, get to talking shuck-face."

"Take us to them." Thomas said sounding eager.

"Okay let's go."


Hey guys!!! I hoped y'all enjoyed. Love ya and remember stay weird.

QOTD: Which book the the series was your favorite?

A: The Death Cure was my favorite even tho certain events happened that made me bawl my eyes out.

(1379 words)

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