9: We Did It

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I sat up in my hammock, my head swiveling side to side, confused.

'What was that?'

I stood up from my hammock letting my bare feet rest against the soft grass. The grass blades tickled my feet as I walked amongst the plain. I had no intention to be walking around the Glade this late but that loud screech scared the sleep out of me. I was heading toward one of the walls.

The Doors were already closed before I reached them. I put my arm out and walked forward until my hand rested gently against the cracked cool stone. My fingers spread out taking in the wall. My eyes ran over the ivy and vines the covered the stone. They lingered on my fingers realizing that they don't belong, and neither do we.

'We need to get out of this place. We can't stay here. I need to help. I need to see what's out there in the Maze........I'm going to be come a Runner.'

As I finally decided my job, I let my hand fall limp to my side. I took one last look at the gray walls and turned to walk away.

My head hung low as I walked back to my hammock. When I raised my head I saw that I was in front of the Slammer. My brows raised surprised I ended up here. I bit my lip and took a step toward the small barred window. I was close enough to peer in, but there was nothing for me to see other than darkness. It was just pitch black. A face suddenly popped out of the darkness. The moonlight reflecting off of their bloodshot brown eyes.

I jumped back holding a hand up to my heart. The boy chuckled at my reaction. I frowned and took a small shaky step forward.

"Hey," I said scared that he was going to blow up again.

". . .Hey," he hesitated.

"How. . .you um feeling?"

"Like klunk, but better."

I nodded not sure what to say. I didn't plan to talk to Thomas today or really ever. This was getting awkward so I started to play with the hem of my shirt.

"Why are you here?"

I looked up, startled by the tone in his voice.

"I-um I don't know,"I said hanging my head low.

He just hummed in response. And then continued.

"Aren't you scared of me?", he asked suspiciously. His eyes narrowing at me.

"No, I mean I don't know. You didn't mean to do it."

"Who says I didn't mean to do it?" Thomas' face could just about be made out. The moonlight and torches lighting up the Glade just enough to let me see. His face was pale green, but his color was coming back. The rope like veins I had once seen are no where to be seen, and his glossy brown eyes were bloodshot.

His remark got me off guard and I took a step back in caution.

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Look Greenie, I saw you in the Changing. I know what you did. My mind went haywire. I had no control over it. Half of what I did was a blurr. I don't remember much of the attack. I'm sorry."

I'm stunned. I stood there staring at a sick Thomas.

'He saw me? Gally and him are blaming me for something. But what?'

"What did I do wrong? Gally hates me for something I did, but I have no idea what it is. I'm confused as to what you guys are saying."

Thomas didn't say anything for a while but then he spoke up.

"(Y/n), we have done something terrible. Gally is pissed off at us for it. I....I am just as guilty as you. You and I did this to them. We did it."

My brows furrowed in confusion. I didn't understand what he was saying.

"Wha- what are you talking about? What did we do?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now. It's not the time to have a chat about this right now. It's late, you should go to bed." Thomas disappeared into the darkness. I heard him shuffle a bit inside the Slammer but then all I heard were his light snores.

My mind couldn't wrap around what he had told me. I knew that we had to get out of this shuck Maze, but now we need to get out. I have to find out what Thomas was talking about. I need answers now.

I turned away from the Slammer and went to the Homestead.

Once I was inside, I saw that some boys were still awake just lying on the hard ground. One of the sleeping boys happened to be Gally. I rolled my eyes and maneuvered my way through the boys. Gally was dead asleep loud snores escaping his chapped lips. I made my way up the stairs and toward one of the rooms to take a peek inside. I walked into the first one. . .empty. The next two doors I tried were empty but then I reached the third one.

I peeked in and saw a blonde boy sitting on the corner of his bed his head hanging low. Sniffles escaped his trembling body. My eyes softened when I saw how distraught the second in command looked. I pushed the door open a bit more causing it to let out a huge squeak. I froze my eyes widening. My gaze traveled toward the hunched figure of the older boy only to see his glossy eyes were already looking at me. My heart skipped a beat.

Newt swiped at his eyes trying to hide the fact that tears were threatening to come out just a second ago. He kept at it until he was sure the tears wouldn't come out. His blonde locks were sticking out in different directions. His eyes and nose were red and wet. His pale cheeks wet with salty tears and red from rubbing them so harshly trying to erase the tear tracks. He failed at erasing them leaving dirty trails. My heart broke a little seeing him like this. He was one of the only friends I have here. I was stuck in my own thoughts when I heard his thick accent.

"What is it Greenie? You should be in bed. Why the bloody hell are you here?"

The harshness in his last words made me flinch but I took a step forward. My body was now fully in the blonde's room. I closed the door behind me as I stepped in.

"I just wanted to ask you a question. What's wrong?"

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed. Remember stay weird.

QOTD: What's your favorite book series other than TMR?

MA: Red Queen series

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