15: Born Ready

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Italics and underline~ you

Bold and italics~ Thomas

On with the story.

The next morning I awoke to an accented voice telling me to wake up. I jumped up from my hammock ready to start the day. Newt looked at me with a brow raised confused as to why I was so happy. I just flashed him a smile and went to Frypan's hut to eat some breakfast. Newt following me and telling me where I was to go.


After breakfast, I walked to a small concrete building with a metal door that has a wheel like contraption in the middle. The building was randomly placed by the Deadheads.

The early morning breeze was like heaven against my warm skin, blowing my (H/C) hair from my face. A small smile grazed my lips as I walked toward the Map Room. According to Newt, Minho was suppose to be waiting for me by the entrance but I didn't see him there when I arrived at the small building.

"Where the shuck is that slinthead," I whispered to myself looking around the silent Glade.

The sun still hasn't fully appeared in the light blue, purple, and orange sky. The sky was cloudless yet again but I never really paid much attention to it until right now.

I hummed at this and kept staring at the sky trying to come up with a reason to why there is no clouds.

I was studying the sky, when suddenly two strong hands land on my shoulders shaking me slightly while they screamed in my ear. I jumped up and turned around quickly putting my hands up. When turning around, my hand came in contact with someone's cheek. The boy let out an astonished yelp.

"What the shuck (Y/n)," Minho complained as his hand rested on the cheek my hand came in contact with. 

I put my hands down and rolled my eyes at him saying, "Don't do that! Next time I'll make sure to hit ya where the sun don't shine."

Minho just held his cheek a brow raised as if he was challenging me. I took a step forward and readied myself for another attack. He took a step back not wanting to start something.

"Whatever, lets just get this day started," Minho grumbled.

Minho first told me the procedures of running the Maze telling me how to keep track of where I have been. He gave me some comfortable clothes to run in consisting of a loose shirt, shorts, boots, a black plastic watch and weird chest gear, that I later found out is a backpack and a weapon holder. The Maze doors were already opened when we finished, so all we had to do was run through 'em when we were ready.

"Alright (Y/n), we ain't gonna go to far in since this is only a your first day so don't get to ahead of your self out there. You will be running with me. Stay close and don't wander off," Minho said crossing his arms.

"Good that," I responded shifting the chest gear a bit to make it a bit more comfortable.

Minho and I walked to the Maze entrance staring into the cracked stone corridor. A shiver ran down my spine as a cool breeze flowed through it.

I looked back to the Glade my (E/c) orbs scanning the, now awake, boys' faces. I spotted a certain blonde by the gardens leaning against a shovel watching us. I smiled at him and waved. He waved back and shot me a thumbs up for good luck. I turned around and got in a running stance ready to take the Maze on.

"You ready Greenie," Minho leaned over and whispered in my ear. His breath tickling my skin making me shiver.

"Yeah I'm ready. Lets do this. What about you? You ready?," I asked staring up ahead at the dull grey, cracked, and ivy covered stone corridor.

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